Id Model of a Brunswick-Balke Collender Monarch Cushions Pool Table
5/19/2021 8:17:54 PM
Id Model of a Brunswick-Balke Collender Monarch Cushions Pool Table
I'm trying to ID the model of this Brunswick-Balke Collender Co. Monarch Cushions pool table.
It's an estate sale find that I purchased, but I also want to id the model, year of manufacturing, and it's value.
I appreciate any info I can get, and I will be able to post better pics once I have it moved.
Id Model of a Brunswick-Balke Collender Monarch Cushions Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/1/2021 4:12:13 PM
From the photos you've posted, it appears to be a Brunswick Wilmington pool table. They were made and sold between 1923-1928.
The specs below are from page 21 of the 1928 Brunswick Billiard and Bowling catalog.
- 8 Home options (44" x 88" Playfield) - Slate: 3 pc. 1" framed, 1 1/2" optional
- 9 Pro options (50" x 100" Playfield) - Slate: 3 pc. 1" framed, 1 1/2" optional
- 10 Foot options (56" x 112" Playfield) - Slate: 3 pc. 1" framed, 1 1/2" optional
- Color Options: Mahogany
- Formats: Also available in a "combination" style, with either four or six legs.
- Cushions: The Wilmington table can be equipped with any style Monarch perfect angle cushion.
- Pocket Irons: The pocket irons are No. 6 style, countersunk in the ends of the cushion rails by means of brass sockets.
Construction: Rigid sectional framed construction faced with mahogany veneer of sound quality, hand rubbed to a dull finish. Sides are of built-up construction and veneered. Top molding with a dimension of 4 x 1 3/4" is solidly constructed from scientifically kiln-dried lumber, securely screwed and glued to top of the sides. Legs are of a square style construction with the parts solidly glued together, and reinforced with glue blocks at each corner. Unit rigidity is assured by means of single cross stretchers.
The design is perfectly plain, without inlay or other ornamentation, yet the table is built according to the most rigid Brunswick standards of excellent materials and superior workmanship.
Slate Bed: Consists of three pieces of the best quality slate of regulation 1" thickness, with all joints rigidly secured by brass dowels and sockets. Playing surface is entirely free from screw holes. If desired, slate bed of 1 1/2" thickness can be furnished
Cushion Rails: The cushion rails of the Wilmington table are made up of a 3-ply body, consisting of three layers of woods of alternating grain glued together to insure the rails against climatic changes. The center layer of these plies, through which the cushion bolts are placed, is hard maple. Maple is used for this purpose because it holds the cushion bolts firmly in place.
The tops of the rails are constructed of solid American Walnut. The rails are securely fastened to the table with invisible cushion bolts. These bolts are covered with blind cushion rail facing built up of 5-ply compound construction faced with a high grade of Mahogany veneer.
Maddawg on 6/1/2021 5:06:01 PM
Thank you for the information you provided on the old Brunswick pool table. It has been very helpful. This is a beautiful pool table.
Id Model of a Brunswick-Balke Collender Monarch Cushions Pool Table
- Title: Id Model of a Brunswick-Balke Collender Monarch Cushions Pool Table
- Author: Maddawg
- Published: 5/19/2021 8:17:54 PM
- Last Updated: 6/1/2021 4:02:45 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)