ID Model and Year of a Gandy Pool Table
10/23/2022 3:04:40 PM
ID Model and Year of a Gandy Pool Table
I'm trying to find out what a 9' Gandy pool table is worth.
I don't know what year is from or what model it is.
ID Model and Year of a Gandy Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/26/2022 2:34:18 AM
It looks to be a Gandy pool table design from the 1990s, but I can't identify the model from just this photo.
If you post some clear photos of the rest of the pool table, we can probably ID the Gandy pool table model.
Regardless of the model name, these 1990s residential-grade Gandy pool table models sell for around $500, give or take, depending on the market in your particular area at any given time.
ID Model and Year of a Gandy Pool Table
- Title: ID Model and Year of a Gandy Pool Table
- Author: Poolgame (C. Ransick)
- Published: 10/23/2022 3:04:40 PM
- Last Updated: 11/26/2022 2:26:58 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)