ID Brand, Model, and Size of Free Pool Table
12/30/2020 9:17:40 AM
ID Brand, Model, and Size of Free Pool Table
Can you please help identify the brand, model, and size of this free pool table located north of Seattle?
It looks like a classic.
Can the size be estimated relative to the balls and rack?
Free Really Nice Pool Table
Pool table in great condition, for FREE. I have left it here without using it for a long time. We would be very happy if it worked for you, and our unnecessary thing became useful to someone.
ID Brand, Model, and Size of Free Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/30/2020 9:27:45 AM
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, perhaps more (and clearer) photos of the pool table would help. I realize that's probably not going to happen though.
If it's a slate-based pool table, and you have a truck, it might be worth grabbing.
RayMills on 12/30/2020 10:02:08 AM
The "donors" aren't responding; perhaps a case of "beggars shan't be choosers", or possibly, "beggar is en route".
The rack of balls seems to take up the center of the left half of the pool table and makes it seem like a 7-footer. I thought the counters on the left end would be unique to Brunswick or some such brand. No?
Harrie Back on 12/30/2020 10:45:23 AM
It looks like an 8-foot pool table to me.
No answer usually means many people want it, but you never know.
RayMills on 1/4/2021 4:11:23 AM
I don't know if it was a good idea to publish the phone number, which was partially hidden in the ad. I tried it that first day and the "donor" sent back a garbled text using Google Voice saying that I had to text back the "secret code" because he had had various respondents using "fake numbers". After the third call/text he went ghost, and he has never responded to emails. The ad has been flagged by Craigslist. Something wacko going on...
I again urge that the Forum thread be deleted.
ID Brand, Model, and Size of Free Pool Table
- Title: ID Brand, Model, and Size of Free Pool Table
- Author: RayMills (Ray Mills)
- Published: 12/30/2020 9:17:40 AM
- Last Updated: 1/4/2021 5:55:04 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)