ID Antique Pool Table with "Blatco Cushions" Name Plate
8/27/2021 5:24:28 AM
ID Antique Pool Table with "Blatco Cushions" Name Plate
Can anyone help ID this antique pool table?
It has a name plate that says:
Blatco Cushions
The M. Blatt Co.
New York
Trenton, N.J.
ID Antique Pool Table with "Blatco Cushions" Name Plate
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/15/2021 1:59:57 AM
We would need to see the whole pool table in order to help identify it.
It certainly looks to be from the early 1900s.
The Blatt name plate is likely from Blatt Billiards. They have been around for decades, and restore and sell antique pool tables. They also service pool tables, and in the past it was common for service companies to replace original name plates with their own!
ID Antique Pool Table with "Blatco Cushions" Name Plate
- Title: ID Antique Pool Table with "Blatco Cushions" Name Plate
- Author: user1630041868
- Published: 8/27/2021 5:24:28 AM
- Last Updated: 9/15/2021 1:53:17 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)