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Help Identify Vintage Pool Table

Help Identify Vintage Pool Table

This pool table is in the basement of a recent house we’re renovating.

There’s a number under the table that says "1397".

Can anyone please help identify this pool table?

If need more photos of a particular view, please let me know.

Thank you so much!


Help Identify Vintage Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1730928132BallBuster on 11/13/2024 9:32:39 PM

    I don't know but it looks like a keeper.

  2. user1730928132billiardsforum on 2/17/2025 9:39:49 AM

    It appears to be a Brunswick "Twentieth Century" pool table.

    They were manufactured between 1937 and 1950.


    From the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. fall-winter 1937-38 catalog:

    Brunswick Twentieth Century Pool Table

    The most modern, inexpensive regulation table ever sold by Brunswick. Smart appearance is combined with sturdiness by use of laminated construction and rich walnut veneers. Pocket openings are trimmed with rubber strip used at base of legs as protections against pocket balls and mopping and also adds to appearance and durability.

    From the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. fall-winter 1939 catalog:

    The Brunswick 20th Century meets the most exacting demands of owners and players alike for a superb medium priced table. Modern in design, rich in colorful beauty, rigid as a sturdy oak and just as solid. Truly a "profit building" table in any billiard room. Beautifully finished in specially selected American Ribbon Walnut Veneers, which, with Brunswick master craftsmanship, assures a most beautiful appearance combined with the fullest amount of practical utility and long service.

    Matched Accessories for the 20th Century table:

    • Recessed Table Ball Rack: Built in as an integral part of the 20th Century Table. Open face is flush with the rail apron. Holds 16 regulation pocket balls in four compartments, perfectly grooved to give fingertip ease and efficiency. Optional on any pocket, gulley or snooker table.
    • 20th Century Wall Ball Rack: Carries the distinctive 20th Century features in design. Made of selected hardwood and finished to match table. Four sturdy racks and bottom section perfectly grooved. Silver band on top and bottom sections.
    • 20th Century Cue Rack: Selected hardwood construction, finished in "matching" walnut. Silver band on top and bottom. Style and appearance in perfect harmony with 20th Century ensemble. Five pieces, easy to assemble.
    • 20th Century Snooker Score Boards: Solid hardwood, walnut finish matching table with chrome plated score sheet holder. Same design and sturdy construction as table.
    • The Brunswick 20th Century, No. 241. A table unrivaled for dignity of design, in beautifully veneered Ribbon Walnut. Ideally adapted to a wide variety of rooms. It is winning preference everywhere. Rosewood rail caps available.

    Offered in 4x8, 4 1/2 x 9 and 5 x 10 sizes in carom, pocket and gully styles. Also in 4 1/2 x 9, 5 x 10 and 6 x 12 sizes for snooker. Matching cue rack, wall ball rack, snooker score board, recessed ball rack optional.

    The most modern, inexpensive regulation table ever sold by Brunswick; smart appearance is combined with sturdiness by use of laminated construction and rich Walnut veneers. Pocket openings are trimmed with rubber strip used at base of legs as protection against pocket balls and mopping; also adds to appearance and durability.

    From the 1950 Service Parts Manual, re: 20th Century, Model B:

    • Finish: Veneered Ribbon Walnut
    • Rails: Rosewood or Walnut Caps
    • Aprons: Veneered Ribbon Walnut with walnut molding.
    • Slate: 3 piece, 1" thick.
    • Irons: Number 5, 6 or 7 style.
    • Leathers: Maroon.
    • Pockets: Worsted or regular longfellow.
    • Shields: Chrome plated with maroon trim.
    • Legs: Veneered ribbon walnut with rounded outside corners, chrome plated kickplate with maroon trim.
    • Ball rack: Recessed in foot end apron; 16 ball capacity.

    See also:

  3. user1730928132BallBuster on 2/18/2025 9:08:59 PM

    Excellent work identifying that pool table.

    Would it be asking too much for Brunswick to put label tags and dates on their pool tables?

  4. user1730928132billiardsforum on 2/19/2025 10:19:51 AM

    No kidding!

    I have seen some Brunswick pool tables with exactly what you mentioned—specifically with some of their Gold Crown models (which are, of course, very easy to identify).


  5. user1730928132BallBuster on 2/19/2025 11:04:21 AM

    Yes, but I've owned three Gold Crowns and none had this label.

    Furthermore, they should stamp it on the frame slate and base with the date of manufacture instead of a flimsy piece of paper... It's a simple matter.

    I've called Brunswick and they couldn't care less.

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Help Identify Vintage Pool Table

  • Title: Help Identify Vintage Pool Table
  • Author: (Michael Kuczynski)
  • Published: 11/6/2024 4:22:39 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/17/2025 9:18:56 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)