H Wagner and Adler Pool Table with HighSkore Cushions
9/5/2016 8:06:20 PM
H Wagner and Adler Pool Table with HighSkore Cushions
My father has a 5x9 tournament size H. Wagner Adler Highscore-Cushions pool table.
It came out of an old pool hall owned by a guy who was the State 8-ball Champion for Pennsylvania years ago.
We were thinking it was from the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, or 1960s, but the serial number that I found on the rails underneath says 121865. I don't think is the year 1865 because I think the company opened in 1875. It had new felt put on a couple years back and is in really good shape for it's age. All of the rails have the same number 121865 so it might not be the serial number. I don't know.
He does want to sell it but who can we have appraise this pool table first?
H Wagner and Adler Pool Table with HighSkore Cushions
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/4/2017 6:46:42 AM
A few related posts you might be interested in:
- H.Wagner & Adler Billiards Table
- Value of an H.Wagner & Adler Co. Pool Table
- H Wagner Adler Pool Table For Sale
- Where to Sell an Antique H. Wagner and Adler Pool Table
- Year and Value of a H. Wagner & Adler Co. Pool Table with Highskore Cushions
- Identify Model Number of H. Wagner & Adler Co. Pool Table with Highskore Cushions
H Wagner and Adler Pool Table with HighSkore Cushions
- Title: H Wagner and Adler Pool Table with HighSkore Cushions
- Author: Kenneth Gocek
- Published: 9/5/2016 8:06:20 PM
- Last Updated: 5/4/2017 5:37:26 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)