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George Balabushka Pool Cue ID and Value

George Balabushka Pool Cue ID and Value

I am looking to find the value and identification for this George Balabushka pool cue.





George Balabushka Pool Cue ID and Value

Replies & Comments

  1. user1739013173billiardsforum on 2/9/2025 3:36:44 PM

    It appears to be a George Balabushka "GB-GS" model pool cue. This is a recent model which is still in production.

    It is a replica design (of course) modelled after the Gus Szamboti era.

    The MSRP is $1995 USD, but you can buy it online, brand new, with warranty, for $1796 USD.

    Balabushka GB-GS Pool Cue

    The Balabushka GB-GS cue is a Gus Szamboti era cue which features four ebony points with black and maple veneers, three notched diamonds in each point and a birdseye maple forearm.

    The handle wrap matches the ebony points and is a traditional, slightly textured, black leather wrap. The butt sleeve is ebony wood with 12 notched Mother-Of-Pearl diamonds with maple dots surrounding the center diamond. The cue also has two silver rings above and below the wrap as well as above the white butt cap.


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George Balabushka Pool Cue ID and Value

  • Title: George Balabushka Pool Cue ID and Value
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/8/2025 11:12:53 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/9/2025 3:16:46 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)