Can Anyone Help Me Identify This Olhausen Table
9/6/2017 10:48:11 AM
Can Anyone Help Me Identify This Olhausen Table
I am looking at purchasing this Olhausen pool table off a Facebook sale post. He is asking $1400 and said he bought it about 15 years ago for $2200.
Can anyone tell what make model or line it is from Olhausen? Does this seem like a reasonable price?
Can Anyone Help Me Identify This Olhausen Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/6/2017 5:59:55 PM
Your pool table pictures did come through. The file sizes were so large, it was just taking longer to load them in the screen you were seeing. I have posted them to your original topic.
Now, I can't see the apron in any of those photos, so it is going to be tough. Based on JUST the trim around the rails, it looks like an Olhausen Provincial pool table from the Olhausen "Portland Series". Though it could be a couple others, depending on what the apron looks like. The legs don't match obviously, but those have 100% customization, and as you know, you can select from a huge range of leg styles.
In the end I think you can't go wrong for the price, especially with the accessories, etc. and you could probably negotiate that down a little as well.
BreakAndRun88 on 9/7/2017 12:04:57 AM
I have found another for sale and I have the same question on it!? Except this lady only wants $600 for this Olhausen!?
I have the same question about this Olhausen table the lady only wants $600 for this one so I may go with it over the other table I originally posted.
Any help identifying this Olhausen pool table would be greatly appreciated as well thank you again in advance!
billiardsforum on 9/7/2017 5:26:51 AM
This looks like the Olhausen Drake pool table, from the Olhausen "Veneer Series". If this is the case, it would explain much of the price difference e.g. veneer finish on the apron and legs (rails still finished in hardwood I believe)
Depending on it's age, it may be the newer Olhausen Drake II (same, but newer version), not sure exactly how to tell the difference.
Olhausen Drake pool table from the 2009 Olhausen Catalog:
Olhausen Drake II pool table from the 2015 Olhausen Catalog:
Can Anyone Help Me Identify This Olhausen Table
- Title: Can Anyone Help Me Identify This Olhausen Table
- Author: BreakAndRun88 (Bryant Christian Sr.)
- Published: 9/6/2017 10:48:11 AM
- Last Updated: 9/6/2017 5:26:11 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)