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Antique Toso Biliardi Torino Pool Table (Italian)

Antique Toso Biliardi Torino Pool Table (Italian)

I have an antique Italian pool table that I cannot find any information on.

The pool table corners say:

Toso Biliardi Torino

Any help or pointing me in the correct direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark







Antique Toso Biliardi Torino Pool Table (Italian)

Replies & Comments

  1. user1617397632billiardsforum on 4/3/2021 3:02:13 AM

    It's a fantastic looking old Italian pool table. Look at the quality of that frame.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any brochures for Toso Biliardi Torino pool tables.

    All I had was these photos of an antique 1940s billiard score keeper from Toso Biliardi Torino. This, and a matching wall rack for pool cues sold at auction for around $115 USD.

    Toso Biliardi Torino - Scoreboard for billiards

    Old billiard scoreboard from the 1940s, branded "Toso Biliardi Torino", in good condition, with container for billiard balls and two cue holders with locks. The items were made by the Toso Biliardi company, in precious wood, steel, and I believe that the numbered dice along the rods are made from Bakelite, a widely used material at the time.


    • Scoreboard: 82x25x8 cm
    • Ball container: 59x15x16 cm
    • Top cues holder: 18x9.5x7 cm
    • Bottom cues holder: 22x12.5x8.5 cm
    • Overall weight: 7.8 kg




    Source: catawiki.com/l/45166141-toso-biliardi-torino-scoreboard-for-billiards-4-steel-stainless-wood

  2. user1617397632user1617397632 on 5/2/2021 5:16:57 AM

    Do have any idea where and when this pool table would of been made? I do not.

    I know the craftsmanship to make this table is outstanding and I'd love to get more history on it. I was hoping to post this and get feedback if anybody out there knew anything about this table.

  3. user1617397632Cancelletto41 on 3/10/2022 12:54:15 PM

    I came across your awesome pictures, and I am looking for some online information about Biliardi Toso.

    It was my grandfather that used to build those billiard tables in Turin Italy. Unfortunately I know very little about it and I’m trying to collect more information about the history of the production from my dad.

    As soon I have more information I would share it.

  4. user1617397632user1666614811 on 10/24/2022 5:33:31 AM

    I have a customer here in the U.S. with this exact Toso Biliardi Torino pool table.

    The problem is, I have never seen one in my 40 years of working on pool tables.

    Does anyone have any idea on the assembly process? If so, it would help immensely if you could photograph and share here, or even if someone could point me in the right direction.

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Antique Toso Biliardi Torino Pool Table (Italian)

  • Title: Antique Toso Biliardi Torino Pool Table (Italian)
  • Author: (Mark Schrack)
  • Published: 4/2/2021 2:07:13 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/3/2021 3:05:11 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)