American Billiard Table Co Antique Pool Table
4/13/2018 1:24:57 PM
American Billiard Table Co Antique Pool Table
I have researched the web and can't find any info on this antique pool table manufacturer. The company is the American Billiard Table Company.
I have been restoring the table for the past few weeks and it turned out great! Just would like to see if anyone knew anything about the table or the company.
American Billiard Table Co Antique Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/13/2018 3:35:47 PM
Fantastic job on the restoration. I love how it still shows it's age on the top face of the rails. Amazing.
I don't have much on this company, but I do have ads dating from between 1871 and 1901, showing locations in New York and Cincinnati.
I have not been able to confirm they are the same company as the "American Billiard Table Co. Jersey City, NJ". I don' know if they are the same company and had multiple locations (same way that Brunswick did) or if they moved, or if they are different companies all together.
Either way, hopefully this helps you in your search, and hopefully you'll share whatever else you find with us here.
1871 - American Billiard Table Co. - Broadway St. NY - Dec 14, 1871 New York Tribune Advert:
$165. - AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLE, equal to the best made at half the cost; patent composition or slate beds, with balls, cues, acc. $165 to $240. AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLE Co., 560 Broadway.
1872 - Jan 18, 1872 New York Herald Advert:
$165. - STRICTLY FIRST CLASS BILLIARD TABLES, equal to the best made at half the cost. Tables, including balls, cues, acc. $165 to $240. AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLE Co., 560 Broadway.
1901 - American Billiard Table Co. - Cincinnati, OH - 1901 Business Directory Ads
1900s - American Billiard Table Company Catalog #22 Cover
24page catalog #22 for the American Billiard Table Co, Cincinnati, Ohio for their line of "Saloon Fixtures." Detailed line illustrations on vellum depicting various Victorian-style bars, cabinets, billiard tables, chairs and accessories; size 8.25" x 10.75". Printed by The W.B. Carpenter Co. Cincinnati, n.d., ca 1890-1900.
1900s - Trade Token - American Billiard Table Co. Cincinnati
smoreland on 4/16/2018 10:59:09 AM
Thanks! I appreciate all the ads you sent me. Thats great! I'm not sure if this helps or not, but I forgot to mention the only other thing labeled were the cushions. They are made by G. Correale & Sons.
American Billiard Table Co Antique Pool Table
- Title: American Billiard Table Co Antique Pool Table
- Author: smoreland
- Published: 4/13/2018 1:24:57 PM
- Last Updated: 4/13/2018 2:40:46 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)