7 Ft Coin Operated Pool Table Id
10/30/2020 8:43:16 PM
7 Ft Coin Operated Pool Table Id
I purchased this 7-foot coin-op pool table and cannot seem to find the manufacturer.
I'm trying to figure out what brand the pool table is. It has the circles with a logo in them next to the rails instead of normal diamonds.
Can anyone help?
7 Ft Coin Operated Pool Table Id
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/2/2020 4:58:27 AM
It is an Irving Kaye Silver Shadow coin-op pool table.
7 Ft Coin Operated Pool Table Id
- Title: 7 Ft Coin Operated Pool Table Id
- Author: Johnnys (Jeff Dietz)
- Published: 10/30/2020 8:43:16 PM
- Last Updated: 11/2/2020 4:46:13 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)