Suggest Reasonably-Priced Pool Felt
8/13/2018 10:56:53 AM
Suggest Reasonably-Priced Pool Felt
Can someone recommend a reasonably-priced pool felt?
I'm going to re-cloth my pool table and I am looking for a reasonably-priced felt good for occasional play. However I am concerned about 55% wool and 45% nylon blend on this advertised worsted wool felt. Some say it is like playing on glass. Should I rather go for standard felt?
Anyone used either of these pool felts?
Any help is appreciated.
Suggest Reasonably-Priced Pool Felt
Replies & Comments
BallBuster on 11/19/2019 9:47:19 AM
I now buy my pool table cloth from gameroomcreations on eBay. 90% worsted wool.
New Worsted Pool Table Cloth for 8ft Table - High Speed Billiard Cloth Felt
Worsted wool billiards cloths are the choice of pool players around the world. Their nap-free, precision threaded weaves create the perfect playing surface and assure a faster and more accurate roll.
Suggest Reasonably-Priced Pool Felt
- Title: Suggest Reasonably-Priced Pool Felt
- Author: user1534180160
- Published: 8/13/2018 10:56:53 AM
- Last Updated: 8/13/2018 2:39:52 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)