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Official Pool Table Specs for Spacing Diamond Sights

Official Pool Table Specs for Spacing Diamond Sights

Can someone clarify the official pool table specs for the correct placement of diamond rail sights for an 8 foot pool table?

I can't find it anywhere on the net and am looking to install some on a billiard table that has none.

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Official Pool Table Specs for Spacing Diamond Sights

Replies & Comments

  1. Prolifikbilliardsforum on 3/6/2016 11:02:32 AM

    The pool table sights should be placed according to where the head string and foot string is located, and the remainder spaced equidistant from each other. For an 8 foot pool table, sights should be placed 11.5 inches apart

    Sights are visible, small round or diamond-shaped marks inset in the rails of the table. These marks identify the ends of the long, center, head and foot strings on the table. Other sights fall on either side of these string markers at an equal distance from sight to sight. There are 18 sights on a pool table.

    WPA (World Pool-Billiard Association) pool table specs:

    Rails must have 18 sights (diamonds) which are to be flush with the rail cap. There may also be one name plate in the place of one sight. sights must be:

    • 12 1/2 inches (31.75 cm) from sight to sight on a 9-foot regulation table
    • 11 1/2 inches (29.20 cm) from sight to sight on a 8-foot regulation table.

    The sights, or diamonds, which should be either round (between 1 x 7/16 and 1 1/4 x 5/8 inch in size) or diamond shaped (between 1 x 7/16 ([25.4 x 11.11 mm) and 1 1/4 x 5/8 inch in size (31.75 x 15.875 mm)) sights , shall be located 3 11/16 (+) inches from the edge (nose) of the cushions. (93.6625 mm (+ 3.175 mm)).

  2. Prolifikuser1519360425 on 2/22/2018 11:33:46 PM

    Good info, but what about sight placement on a 7-foot pool table?

  3. Prolifikdarticus on 9/9/2018 2:12:41 PM

    What about marker placement on a 51 3/4" by 35 1/2" wide bumper pool table.

    How do they go?

  4. ProlifikBruce Kaye on 9/20/2019 12:07:30 AM

    Regarding pool table layout;

    If the rectangle formed by the nose of the cushions is dimension (x) and the rectangle formed by the center line of the diamonds is (y), then what is the distance on any one side between the two?

    Where is the datum point from which all measurements are taken in laying out a 9-foot pool table?

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Official Pool Table Specs for Spacing Diamond Sights

  • Title: Official Pool Table Specs for Spacing Diamond Sights
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/25/2016 4:24:38 AM