Most Misunderstood Pool Rules
4/29/2017 1:40:12 AM
Most Misunderstood Pool Rules
What are the most misunderstood pool rules? What pool rules do people argue about the most? What is it that too many people don't know, that they should know?
Talk to me.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Most Misunderstood Pool Rules
Replies & Comments
gibson on 5/24/2017 6:37:17 PM
Eight ball rules. Don't play in a new place against people you don't know without checking for local rules ahead of time. Watch the other games before you play and see how they are ruling on shots. If you have to ask questions, ask whether they play full table ball in hand on scratches or other fouls, ask if they play call pocket or call shot (caroms, banks, combinations), choose ball on break or first called shot etc.
Rich Zuffante on 1/20/2019 8:28:29 PM
I was told that you can not place your cue on the table to line up a shot unless you are touching the stick.
If that is true must you also hold the bridge.
Are both considered a foul if you are not touching the devices?
billiardsforum on 1/21/2019 1:49:18 AM
You were told correctly regarding the pool cue. The following is from R. Reynolds (PBIA Instruction and National Referee), when he was asked if you can use the pool cue to measure for aim spots:
You can, however you may not lay your pool cue down on the table and take your hand off it. That’s a foul. You also can't intentionally leave a chalk mark aim point on the table just as you can’t place anything on the rails to act as an aim point.
On top of that, there is also the rules around "Use of Equipment", part of which states:
The equipment must be used only for the purpose or in the manner that the equipment was intended.
Regarding the use of a mechanical bridge, I suspect that it would not be a foul, since the rules allow for the use of two mechanical bridges (stacked). To execute a shot with two bridges, your hand wouldn't likely be touching both at the same time.
Most Misunderstood Pool Rules
- Title: Most Misunderstood Pool Rules
- Author: Kenzee
- Published: 4/29/2017 1:40:12 AM
- Last Updated: 5/1/2017 5:51:30 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)