Hit Your Ball First but Pocket Opponents Ball First
1/2/2011 4:05:24 PM
Hit Your Ball First but Pocket Opponents Ball First
If a player has his object ball blocked by an opponents ball, is it a legal shot if he hits his object ball first, but knocks in his opponents ball first then his own object ball?
Said in another way: Your object ball is blocked by an opponents ball that lies next to a pocket. You hit your object ball first with the cue ball, but the object ball then knocks in your opponents ball in first then your ball drops in after.
Is that a legal shot or a foul shot?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Hit Your Ball First but Pocket Opponents Ball First
Replies & Comments
rustyauxier on 1/3/2011 5:51:25 AM
it is a legal shot. As long as the object ball was hit first, it is, in no way a foul ( as long as a ball was pocketed or a ball hits a rail after contact with the object ball) Opinions vary a bit in regards to a ball hitting a rail after contact. I have read numerous places 'a numbered ball' has to hit a rail, but where we play, any ball, including the cue ball, contacting a rail constitutes a legal shot.
Have fun!
Mitch Alsup on 1/3/2011 9:34:33 AM
As long as you make contact with a legal ball first and pot the called ball in the called pocket, the order of events and extraneus events are irrelevent.
Potting of an opponents ball is an extraneous event. Potting it before potting the called ball is an ordering of events Neither mater if the called ball goes in the called pocket. Even if the called ball does not go in the called pocket, there is no foul if the CB make contact with a legal ball first, and at least one ball drops or makes contact with a rail.
Hit Your Ball First but Pocket Opponents Ball First
- Title: Hit Your Ball First but Pocket Opponents Ball First
- Author: Don goble (Don Goble)
- Published: 1/2/2011 4:05:24 PM
- Last Updated: 3/9/2019 7:23:42 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)