Driving Balls to the Rail on a Break Shot
4/24/2007 12:23:14 PM
Driving Balls to the Rail on a Break Shot
Is it considered a foul if an object ball goes is pocketed, but not more than three balls are driven to the rails?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Driving Balls to the Rail on a Break Shot
Replies & Comments
kyle on 4/24/2007 4:06:56 PM
You don't need any rails if you made a ball.
aleromike87 on 4/28/2007 8:14:38 PM
wut does it mean to drive 4 balls to the rail on a legal break? does that mean that if 4 balls hit any rail off my break its still my turn? or does it mean the head rail? and if so is it still my turn or its just a legal break and its my oppenents turn?
Ross on 5/15/2007 6:36:48 AM
It depends. In 8 ball, for example, the player must either pocket a ball, or drive at least four numbered balls to any rail.
This means that if no balls are pocketed, AND 4 balls are not driven to the rails, then it is considered a foul. IF the player does not pocket any balls, but DOES drive 4 balls to any rail, no foul occurs, but player loses their turn since no balls were pocketed.
When a foul occurs, the incoming player has the option of accepting the table in position and shooting, or having the balls re-racked and exercising the option of shooting the opening break or allowing the offending player to re-break.
Driving Balls to the Rail on a Break Shot
- Title: Driving Balls to the Rail on a Break Shot
- Author: Ginger
- Published: 4/24/2007 12:23:14 PM