Can You Use a Mechanical Bridge With No Stick?
4/2/2009 7:56:30 PM
Can You Use a Mechanical Bridge With No Stick?
Can a mechanical bridge be used without a cue stick by just holding it in one hand and making the shot one-handed?
I am thinking of the same thing as a mechanical bridge without the cue for extension. You can buy a bridge head by itself that can be installed on a cue.
So, if you want to use it without the cue installed and hold it in your hand and still rest your cue on the bridge head for your shot, would that be a legal shot?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Can You Use a Mechanical Bridge With No Stick?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/29/2016 2:59:13 PM
No that would not be legal because you would not be using that piece of equipment in the way in which it was intended.
From the World Pool-Billiards Association general rules:
1.3 (c) Mechanical Bridges – The player may use up to two mechanical bridges to support the cue stick during the shot. The configuration of the bridges is up to the player. He may use his own bridge if it is similar to standard bridges.
From BCA general rules of pocket billiards:
Players may not use equipment or accessory items for purposes or in a manner other than those for which the items were intended.
Can You Use a Mechanical Bridge With No Stick?
- Title: Can You Use a Mechanical Bridge With No Stick?
- Author: chalkbox (William Young)
- Published: 4/2/2009 7:56:30 PM
- Last Updated: 8/29/2016 2:54:46 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)