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Can You Push on a Side Pocket Cushion With the Cue?

Can You Push on a Side Pocket Cushion With the Cue?

Can a player physically push in on a side pocket cushion with the edge of the cue tip during a shot to help cut a ball down a rail?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Can You Push on a Side Pocket Cushion With the Cue?

Replies & Comments

  1. Lenniequickshot on 5/25/2009 5:17:31 PM

    I think not. It would be construed as manipulating the table or parts there of to perform a shot which I believe would be not legal as a result.

  2. LennieWilliam Erby on 7/7/2009 2:56:42 PM

    You can not intentionally change any part of the playing surface which includes the rails.

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Can You Push on a Side Pocket Cushion With the Cue?

  • Title: Can You Push on a Side Pocket Cushion With the Cue?
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/25/2009 3:02:41 PM