Warm Up Fast for a Pool Tournament
Warm Up Fast for a Pool Tournament
Everyone knows the importance of warning up before playing the big match. You like to play a couple of games, at least, so that you can get the feel of that road table or any table you have not yet played a match on.
The reality is that in tournament play, you don't always have time to warm up, and may face that new match cold. If you are taking the break shot, there is something you can do to warm up very fast, and get a feel for the new pool table at the same time.
If you are taking the break shot, just grab the cue ball and roll it into the cushion and let it roll back to your hand. Do this three times, then shoot two in the same manner. No one will think twice about it, since it's quick, but it really will give you a good feel for the table.
Warm Up Fast for a Pool Tournament
- Title: Warm Up Fast for a Pool Tournament
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/13/2008 3:30:00 PM
- Source: Internet
Warm Up Fast for a Pool Tournament
The Warm Up Fast for a Pool Tournament article belongs to the Miscellaneous Pool Playing Tips category. Lists the pool playing tips and billiard tips that don't fit neatly in any of the other pool playing tips categories.
Warm Up Fast for a Pool Tournament Comments
Kefner from North Bay, ON on 8/26/2010 8:09:52 PM
Could you possibly be called on a foul since you are shooting the cue ball with your cue?
Shawn from Edgewood, KY on 2/23/2011 5:41:34 PM
What if you're not wearing pants during a pool tournament? Will that be counted as a foul?
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