The Finesse Stroke Speed
The Finesse Stroke Speed
We've asked this question before: What is hard? What is soft? Medium? We went to some lengths in a previous billiard speed control tutorial you should have already familiarized yourself with called Standard Stroke Speed. That article should have answered that question for standard strokes but there is often a need for soft and softer. Once again, Master Instructor, Bob Radford and Cue U have come to the rescue with the Finesse Stroke standard and method.
Starting with the cue ball at the head string we want to stroke each of the seven speeds. 1 is just two diamonds, head string to the middle pocket or center table. Again we allow ourself plus or minus one diamond. The 3 speed is head string to the foot rail which was very soft using the old gross standard. The 7 speed is our old familiar the lag.
Just like from the standard stroke system our planning and communications can benefit greatly from this system. But I consider the confidence and control gained when shooting softly, the greatest benefits of this system.
I expect you'll find it difficult to deliver such soft strokes with your full arm movement, so don't. Let the arm remain still and just use your wrist. All of these seven shot speeds can be delivered easily and accurately using just the wrist and I've found that my lag is more consistent and more accurate when I use the finesse stroke 7 rather than the standard stroke 1.
This system also seems to offer some added benefits besides consistency and accuracy on soft strokes. We all know (or should) that throw increases as speed decreases. For some reason (I have no explanation) throw does not seem to be a problem when using the finesse stroke. As an added bonus the cue ball seems to retain less energy and does not roll as far after contact, making easing into position much easier and much less risky. Welcome to the finesse stroke and enjoy.
A little good practice is much better than a lot of bad; so: 1) don't practice when tired, angry or frustrated and 2) always remember play is not practice. You're more likely to learn bad things playing to practice than you are good.
The Finesse Stroke Speed
- Title: The Finesse Stroke Speed
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 6/6/2008 10:22:00 PM
- Source: The Old Professor
The Finesse Stroke Speed
The The Finesse Stroke Speed article belongs to the Speed and Billiard Ball Control category. Billiard tips for controlling the speed or velocity of the cue ball when making shots.
The Finesse Stroke Speed Comments
Turk on 3/21/2009 5:16:11 AM
Great!! Nice touch to the weighting of the cue stick and how it affects the stroke or shot.
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