How to Put Spin on the Cue Ball
How to Put Spin on the Cue Ball
This billiard tutorial covers the basics of how to hit a stop, follow, and draw shot. Understanding the fact that hitting the cue ball low will result in putting backward spin on the cue ball is only the beginning. What happens after the cue ball has traveled a few feet? Well, try it with a striped ball so you can see the action. Hit the 13 ball low and you will see it with backwards spin for a foot or so and then ZERO spin as it slides on the table for a second and then it will pick up natural forward roll. So, to hit a stop shot, the cue ball needs to be sliding into the object ball so there is no spin on it. A follow shot requires the cue ball to have forward spin and the draw shot requires the cue ball to still be spinning backwards when it hits an object ball.
To hit a follow shot, hit the cue ball about 1 tip diameter above center with a smooth follow-through and level stroke. The cue ball will instantly have forward roll so it will roll forward after hitting the object ball .
To hit a stop shot, hit the cue ball about 1/2 tip diameter below center with a smooth, level stroke. The cue ball needs to have ZERO spin on it when it contacts the object ball. If you hit the cue ball too soft, then it will pick up natural forward roll by the time it gets to the object ball and then will roll forward instead of stopping.
To hit a draw shot, hit the cue ball 1.5 tips diameter below center with a smooth level stroke and good follow through. You need to hit it hard enough so the cue ball still has backwards spin on it when it contacts the object ball. If you hit it too softly, then the cue ball will either be sliding when it hits the object ball resulting in a stop shot or will have picked up enough forward roll to roll forward after striking the object ball
How to Put Spin on the Cue Ball
- Title: How to Put Spin on the Cue Ball
- Author: ddub221 (Dan Werner)
- Published: 9/13/2008 1:45:00 PM
- Last Updated: 9/14/2008 1:45:00 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Source: From the "We Want Your Billiard Tips" contest.
How to Put Spin on the Cue Ball
The How to Put Spin on the Cue Ball article belongs to the Position Play and Cue Ball Control category. Learn all about controlling the balls to your advantage during your shots.
How to Put Spin on the Cue Ball Comments
JWAmpK from IL, United States on 3/26/2009 8:08:56 PM
I have also found out, that the more draw [speed], I raise the butt of my stick higher than a regular shot
Amit Juneja from India on 4/29/2010 10:35:10 AM
Nice write up on how to put spin on the cue ball. Thanks for this.
dederico from San Antonio, TX on 8/27/2010 11:49:56 AM
I practice cue ball spin with a 12oz beer bottle. For spin, I repeat; top, bottom, left, right, and center ball hits.
BoxCar from Maricopa, AZ on 11/20/2010 3:25:41 PM
@dederico - Could you please elaborate on the beer bottle stroke drill?
Is it stationary on the table and you practice stroking into the long neck beer bottle? If so, how do clocking features come into play?
Pafa from Western, Sri Lanka on 4/15/2012 4:07:13 AM
I was searching for pool cue spin tips and found this page. This article on how to put spin on the cue ball sucks.
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