How to Grip the Pool Cue
How to Grip the Pool Cue
The Pool Cue Grip technique that you employ can be one of the most important parts of your billiard game. An improper pool cue grip can cause your otherwise proper shot to play out terribly wrong. There are two main things that one should keep in mind when thinking about their pool cue grip; The angle and straightness of your back arm, and the looseness of your actual hand around the butt of the cue.
How to Grip the Pool Cue
Your pool cue grip should be loose and relaxed, and should remain that way through your entire stroke. At first, you'll have to concentrate on not tightening it up, as tightening is a natural reflex. This is especially true if you are nervous or under stress when shooting. Use two to three fingers to hold your cue stick from the outside while using your thumb as support from the inside to keep your cue from falling out of your grip. This will make sure that you have full control of your cue while not having to grip it too tightly.
Keeping a loose grip will allow your cue to move through the stroke in one fluid motion. If your pool cue grip is too tight, it will cause the cue to jerk from its intended path during the stroke, causing the trajectory of the cue ball to differ from that which you intended.
The second aspect of the pool cue grip that you should think about is the angle of your back arm. Your wrist and lower arm should always be in a straight line up from the floor to the ceiling. (180 degrees) Your lower wrist or palm should point straight downward toward the floor and not inward (greater than 180 degrees) or outward. (less than 180 degrees) If your wrist is anything but aligned at the proper 180 degrees, your stroke is likely to jerk, since the natural motion of your arm, when in this position, will not be fluid and straight.
Finally, it is important to remember that once you get your pool cue grip established, you shouldn't need to think about it at each shot. It should just be right there like a natural thing that you have been doing for years. This will come only with practice.
Next, read about where to grip the pool cue.
How to Grip the Pool Cue
- Title: How to Grip the Pool Cue
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 12/13/2006 11:09:40 AM
How to Grip the Pool Cue
The How to Grip the Pool Cue article belongs to the Billiard Fundamentals and Basics category. Pool playing tips for the beginner. Get started with these fundamental billiard drills
How to Grip the Pool Cue Comments
Andy Collinson from Amsterdam, North Holland on 5/7/2008 5:31:14 AM
I am now playing with a "loose grip" on the pool cue but find it so hard to pot this way.
I have watched the other players at my local billiard club and they all play with a loose grip and they play so well but I can't make it work for me.
But the truth is that I know this is the right way to play as I can do a lot more with the cue ball with a loose grip.
Anything else you can teach me on this matter would be a big help.
MrPhilHarmonic from Freehold, NJ on 3/2/2009 10:20:57 AM
@Andy - The loose grip is the ONLY way to go I'm afraid, as it's the only way the cue is allowed to do what it is supposed to do. This is also why a quality pool cue is essential, but that's another topic.
Also remember that when you deliver the stroke (which should always be smooth and controlled - not a jab or jerk), is to try and imagine that the ONLY pivot is coming from INSIDE your elbow. Like, the stroke comes not from your wrist, arm, shoulder or anything like that, but from inside the elbow joint. Upon completion of the stroke, you will find your upper arm will drop to allow the stroke to follow through and complete itself. This is what the professional pool players do. Notice how their arm always drops when they play a stroke?
If accuracy is a problem, simply try shortening your bridge closer to the cue. A bridge does not have to be long in order to procure a smooth, or even powerful, stroke. It is what happens after the cue strikes the cue ball that is so important i.e. the follow through with a loose grip and a smooth action.
I hope this answers your question and cures your dilemma.
Good shooting!
Crocodile from Estero, FL on 8/16/2010 3:58:37 PM
What about curling the little finger around the butt of the pool cue when breaking?
It seems to me that by doing so, it seems to give more power on the break.
Is this alright or is it a huge mistake in applied physics?
BoxCar from Maricopa, AZ on 11/20/2010 3:32:39 PM
This relates to how one shoots a rifle on the target range in the four positions of prone, sitting, kneeling, and standing. The rifle strap takes all the load and all of your muscles should be relaxed.
The point being, if no muscle is engaged, then even your heartbeat can't throw you off course in achieving an accurate aim.
I suppose there are similarities in bowling also, but I don't bowl.
I just know that the fewer muscles that are active, the better.
Curt from Eastlake, OH on 4/4/2011 1:10:29 PM
I have 300 different pool cue grips and I use all 300 of them during the course of a match. However, I am coming to realize that I have to settle on one grip to gain any type of consistency.
Tonight I will try the advice from this article e.g. palm down and keep it loose and see how that works.
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