Billiard Stance Techniques
Billiard Stance Techniques
Written by Matthew West, reproduced with permission.
Billiard Stances- A Comparison Of Two Styles
This document intends a comparison between two differing styles of stance in the game of billiards, the snooker and the side-on stance. Using a step-by-step drill structure, differences will be discussed between these two broad categories of stance style.
If left-handed, switch right with left.
A snooker stance is all about being flat on the table and square on and off-centered behind the shot. It is an off-centered stance. The bridge and feet together form the triangle that supports the stance. Going down square on and off-centered forms a triangle that is quite close to the shape of a right angled triangle. The vertical line of a shot runs through the bridge and somewhere close to the right foot. The horizontal line between the feet facing the shot is not quite horizontal because the left foot is slightly forward and to the side of the leading right foot. The right foot is said to lead because it is closest to the line of shot.
A side-on stance is the opposite of the snooker stance in the way the body is positioned side-on and centered to the line of shot, instead of square on and off-centered. It can be as flat on the table as a snooker stance, or it can be more elevated, with the head positioned off the cue. The bridge and feet together form the triangle that supports the stance. Going down side-on and as centered as possible forms a triangle that is quite asymmetrical. The vertical line of a shot runs through the bridge and somewhere between the feet, but unlike the snooker stance, there is not a great deal of width difference between the feet and there is far more length difference. The line between the feet facing the shot is much closer to vertical than horizontal, because the left foot is quite forward and only somewhat to the side of the leading right foot.
Go on to billiard stance step 1.
Billiard Stance Techniques
- Title: Billiard Stance Techniques
- Author: Plumb (Matthew West)
- Published: 12/13/2006 4:35:41 PM
- Last Updated: 12/14/2006 4:35:41 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Source: User Contributed
Billiard Stance Techniques
The Billiard Stance Techniques article belongs to the Billiard Shot Making and Shooting Tutorials category. Pool tutorials around billiard shot making and shooting tips.
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