Billiard Follow Shot Techniques
Billiard Follow Shot Techniques
A billiard follow shot technique is essential in cue ball control. The billiard follow shot is essentially a contact of the cue ball by the cue tip in a spot that is slightly above the cue ball's center line. The billiard follow shot is the opposite of the billiard draw shot. The follow shot essentially puts a forward spin on the cue ball.
Billiard Follow Shot Techniques
When the cue ball is hit above it's center line, as in a follow shot, the cue ball will travel at an angle less than 90 degrees from the direction of the object ball after the two collide. This will of course vary with the degree of "follow" or "top-spin" that is used as well as with the amount of cut or angle used in the shot.
With a billiard follow shot, the direction of the cue ball after contact increases toward 90 degrees as the angle of the "cut" increases. Likewise, the opposite of this is also true. This means that there is a high degree of risk for a scratch while using billiard follow shots without any "cut" put in to the shot. This is because the direction of the cue ball after contact decreases toward 0 degrees as the angle of the "cut" decreases.
Video on How to do a Follow Shot
Video courtesy of Brunswick Billiards and Ewa Laurance.
Billiard Follow Shot Techniques
- Title: Billiard Follow Shot Techniques
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 4/7/2008 2:35:00 PM
- Last Updated: 10/25/2016 6:49:55 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
- Source: Internet
Billiard Follow Shot Techniques
The Billiard Follow Shot Techniques article belongs to the Application of Spin and English to Billiard Balls category. Pool playing tips and billiard tutorials for using english and spin on the cue ball.
Billiard Follow Shot Techniques Comments
GoferKid from Windsor, ON on 10/5/2009 12:48:18 PM
No site has ever explained how to hit the ball after applying english, for the english to alter anything. That is what i really needed to know.
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