Ron Cerelli
Information about pool player Ron Cerelli "The Legend".
Ron Cerelli
Ron Cerelli is a retired American pool player, billiard instructor, and author.
Ron Cerelli is known for his 2011 book Old School Pool (amazon link).
Old School Pool
All the skills and knowledge necessary to improve your game.
Ron "The Legend" Cerelli Billiards
Below is a photo of billiard instructor Ron Cerelli explaining everything there is to know about bank shots.
Ron Cerelli - Biography
- Country of Residence: USA
- Ron Cerellis Nickname(s):
"The Legend", Ron "The Legend" Cerelli
- Email Address for Ron Cerelli:
If you know of any other interesting information about the life of pool player Ron Cerellis, send us an update using the contact form below.
Ron Cerellis Cue Sports Records and Accomplishments
Ron Cerelli is a member on the Billiards Forum
- Title: Ron Cerelli
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 6/18/2018 7:55:40 PM
- Last Updated: 6/18/2018 9:47:21 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Ron Cerelli Comments
Ron Cerelli from The Villages, FL on 6/18/2018 9:22:52 AM
Ron Cerelli on His Nickname "The Legend"
Hi, Ron Cerelli "The legend" here.
I have never asked some of my professional pool player friends how they got their nicknames because it doesn't really matter.
- Johnny Archer - "The Scorpion"
- Buddy Hall - "The Rifleman"
- Ewa Mataya Laurance - "The Striking Viking"
- Jeanette Lee - "The Black Widow"
...and so on. These are their personal "Handle" so to speak.
I personally did not give myself the nickname "The Legend". In 1983 I was playing in this rather new pool league outside of Philadelphia, PA called the Bud Light Pool League. We won the regular season trophies for 1st place, then we had to play in the regional finals, which consisted of 3 states, PA, NJ, and NY. We were sitting downstairs in the pool room at our table and I had my case on the table with my name, Ron Cerelli on it. I had seen Buddy Hall's cue case which had his name "The Rifleman" on it, and I thought it was cool.
Once, when I was working in the Sheriff's dept. full time as a Deputy, I was off-duty and thus, I didn't carry my gun in my back. Two big men came in the door and were walking towards us, and all I could think was, oh my god I hope this isn't trouble.
They walked about 3 feet past our table, stopped, came back, and one of them said "Is that your case?"
I said "Yes, it is."
He said "Are you Ron Cerelli?"
I said "Yes sir."
He smiles and says "So your'e 'The Legend'?"
I said "Excuse me?"
He replied "Don't play coy with me. All they talk about up in NY is "The Legend" Ron Cerelli. It's nice to meet you Mr. Legend."
Well by that time I had to go to the men's room so I could see if I had an accident. When I returned, the guys on my team said, "Woah we got "The Legend" on our team."
And there it was. 35 years ago and I didn't even know it. I have been dubbed that name and it has been an honor. Even when I played on the Florida Pro tour, they put it on the name cards.
So no, I didn't make it up but I have always appreciated being dubbed Ron "The Legend" Cerelli.
"The Legend" Ron CerelliRon Cerelli from The Villages, FL on 6/18/2018 9:24:53 AM
I have a free video on YouTube called "Ron Cerelli, The Legend speaks on Bank Shots". I also advertise my book "Old School Pool" in this video.
I hope you enjoy it and learn from it.
Ron Cerelli, The Legend speaks on Bank Shots
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