Rocky Lane
Rocky Lane
If any of you have seen Rocky Lane take a shot, or make on of his famous trick shots, you'll know immediately what we're talking about when we rave about his skill.
Rocky Lane - The Technician
Rocky lane is considered one of the world's best 9 ball players, as well as one of the worlds best and most disciplined trick shot makers.
Rocky Lane - Pool Player
Rocky Lane was born in FIJI and came to New Zealand at the age of 6 months old and is a New Zealand citizen to date. He was raised in a farming community at the Coromandel Rangers of New Zealand, as the oldest of 7 children.
Rocky's former father inlaw, the late Norm Stockmann, the New Zealand National Snooker Champion in 1972, inspired Rocky to get into cue sports.
Following compulsory Military National Service (which is now abolished in NZ), Rocky become a police officer where he served 15 years. During his service he was elevated to Police Prosecutions, and following 3rd year law school attendance as a working student, became a lawyer.
Following his 15 years as a police officer, he held jobs as a law clerk, legal consultant, and para-legal in law firms around Asia, mainly advising families immigrating to New Zealand, Canada and the United States from the Philippines, Hong Kong, China, and Macau.
From 1999 to 2006, Rocky held the post of chief legal counsel for a mulltinational corporation, with 6 in-house solicitors reporting to his office (although he was not a solicitor himself).
He then retired early in 2006 to turn pro in his cue sports career.
Rocky presently resides at Macau since 2010.
Rocky Lane, also known as "The Technician" holds a world record, has his own DVD, has his own web site, and is considered by many to be a 9 Ball player of professional caliber.
He also mentors young up-and-comers in the game, and has recently made newspaper headlines for his work with Charlie Nguyen. Rocky once offered free coaching on select evenings at the local pool hall near his residence. This has since stopped as Rocky Lane turned pro and went on active world tour in 2006 and time no longer permits.
You can visit Rocky's personal website for more information.
Rocky Lane
We've seen Rocky Lane's world record inducted into the "Hall of Cue Sport Records", a world record title achieved for "Speed Jumping". His manager, Leonard Kerr, is quick to clarify that Rocky Lane himself has not been inducted but rather, Rocky's world record has been inducted. To see the Hall of Cue Sport Records, visit at (milestones and records).
With the fame inevitably comes a little fortune. For Rocky Lane, this fortune comes in the form of the pool tutorial on DVD, which can be obtained through his personal website,
Rocky Lane - Billiard Player
Headshot photo of Rocky Lane:
Rocky Lane's PRO NITE
Rocky has created the PRO NITE concept at Macau and presently has a list of pool followers who come regularly to PRO NITE. This list is growing by the day. To date (April 2013) the number of PRO NITE followers stands at 220. This is where bars and pubs hire Rocky to come to their pub dressed formally with bow tie and vest etc.
For PRO NITE, the Patrons of the pub pay MOP $50.00 to buy a ticket from the bar to challenge Rocky to win two racks of pool.
- If the patron beats Rocky they receive a MOP$200, and a bucket of 6 bottles of beer (MOP is similar to HK Dollar value).
- If they lose, there is still a prize. They gain free entry to a "Monthly Lucky Draw" wherein the PRO NITE pubs and clubs give away household items, such as new microwave ovens and new rice cookers etc.
Between 18 to 25 tickets are sold per night and so long as Rocky gets his drill work done on the table beforehand, he manages to hold his own against the entire pub. For example, 18 tickets where sold to keen avid pool players in the pub last week (2013-04-25), and Rocky won 17 of those sold tickets.
PRO NITE has operated in Taipa, Macau since June 2011 and of course as this is a big sales enhancer for the pubs, the pubs are keen to renew Rocky's contract year by year. In fairness to patrons, any pro who is currently on World Tour is banned from entry to PRO NITE.
We have registered a patent for the PRO NITE concept. With Rocky being a lawyer, what else would you expect. But to use Rocky's words:
I'm done with lawyering, its now just me and the game".
Why not? Anyway, lets face it, do you know any Pro Pool Player, who is presently 63 years of age, and willing to take on the whole pub?
Photos of Rocky Lane playing billiards:
Rocky Lane - Biography
- Place of Birth: Suva, Fiji (moved to New Zealand at the age of 6 months)
- Country of Residence: New Zealand (NZL)
- Rocky Lanes Nickname(s): The Technician, Kiwi-Kuya
- Rocky Lanes Sponsors: Rocky Lane has been sponsored by Macau's National (or regional) Airline, Air Macau since 2011. He is also sponsored by OTEX World Corporation.
- Charities Supported:
Rocky Lane actively participates in in bringing billiards and other key sports into the Olympics. There is also mention of a The Rocky Lane Foundation on his website, but there are no details.
The Foreign Correspondent Club (FCC) of Hong Kong hold the "Rocky Lane 9 Ball Cup" in honour of Rocky Lane, where Rocky is an absent "Life Member" of this 100 year-old Press Club. This is an annual event which has been held every year since 2004. This Tour is Sponsored by the Rocky Lane Foundation of India, which provides the prize money for the 32 FCC Club member players that enter this annual event. The 2012 winner of the Rocky Lane Cup was Mr. Joe Nieh, himself a billiard hall owner with 3 locations in Hong Kong.
- Email Address for Rocky Lane:
- Rocky Lanes Website:
If you know of any other interesting information about the life of pool player Rocky Lanes, send us an update using the contact form below.
Rocky Lanes Cue Sports Records and Accomplishments
Below are just a few of Rocky Lane's accomplishments over his cue sport career.
- 1976 National New Zealand 8-Ball Champion
- 1979 National B Grade Snooker National Champion
- 27 year break from Cue sports, for educational attainments towards a career
- June 12, 2002 FCC Hong Kong Runner up 8 Ball Champion
- October, 2002 4th Place, 9-Ball Borneo
- July, 2003 Asian 9 Ball, Jakarta, Top 16 Finalist
- December, 2003 3rd Place, 9-Ball Borneo
- January, 2004 Windy City Opens, Chicago. Top 64 Finalist
- January 28, 2004 South Australian Classic Tour. Top 32 Finalist
- February 2004 Starred in movie "POOL - From Beginner to Champion"
- July 2005 - NZ North Island 9 Ball tour, at Hamilton, NZ - Top 32 finalist
- August 2005, Won a 9 Ball tournament at Orlando Opens, Florida USA
- October 2005, Undefeated World Champion, fastest Jump Shooter, jump shooting and clearing off the table , 15 Pool Balls in 14.16 Seconds, on National & International TV
- Feb 05, 2006 - Bronze Medalist - NZ Games, Dunedin - 8 Ball Doubles
- 19 Feb 2006, 3rd Place - NZ Valley Pool 9 Ball Finals. Pukekohe
- May 20- 21, 2006 - Top 32 NZ Nationals, Valley 8 Ball, Otahuha Opens
- 17-21 Sep, 2006 - Represented New Zealand at Bali Open's International
- March 2007, made top 10 New Zealander, racked No. 1 @
- May 2007- Won a Pool Marathon, achieving 250 racks in record time, 105 racks ahead of the 2nd place player, in a playing field of 20 players
- 11 Dec 2007 - Won the Hong Kong $10,000 - 250 Rack Pool Marathon.
- June 7 to 10, 2010 - European 10 Ball Opens, Berlin Germany, Top 32.
- June 24 to 27, 2010 - Won the NTT 9 Ball Championships, Indonesia - $5,000.
- Nov 22 to 30, 2010 - Rep NZ at the US$30,000.00 43rd All Japan 9 Ball Champs, Osaka, Japan.
- Dec 16 to 19, 2010 - Rep NZ at the US$41,000.00 Joss Turning Stone 9 Ball Classic, Verona, NY, USA.
- Sept 16 to 20,2011- Rep NZ, at Steve Mizerak Seminole Pro Tour-Tampa, Florida, USA.
- Nov 16 to 20, 2011 All Japan Championships 10 Ball for NZD
- April 26 to May 2, 2012 - Wild Card Invited player - CBSA Chengde 9 Ball Opens at China - Top 32
- Jan 27, 2013 - WORLD RECORD ACHIEVED - Worlds fastest Speed Jump Shooter, and Complete Pool Table Clearance in 11.29 Seconds on TV
- May 7, 2013 - 2nd Runner up in the Macau National 10 Ball Opens.
Since we can't list all of them, we'll just show you a picture.
Rocky's web site claims that only about half of these awards are his, there still has to be about 500 or more items there! The other half belong to his father-in-law, the late Norm Stockmann, and the 1972 National Snooker Champion from New Zealand.
Rocky Lane 2013 Fastest Jump Shot World Record for Guinness
Rocky Lane set a new world record on Macau National TV on 27 Jan 2013. This time, he jumpshot and potted 15 balls in 11.29 seconds, between two full champagne glasses.
There are many players claiming to have toppled Rocky's Record, but none of them have jumpshot over the top of pool balls which should be expected, since that is what is done in an actual game.
Rocky's manager Len Kerr said this about Rocky's record and would-be challengers to the title:
One player at Finland still has an honest belief to this day that he toppled Rocky's Record on TV in 2007, but to date still cannot produce any Guinness Records Certificate, as Guinness clearly wants it to be done over the top of Pool Balls and not a pool cue which does not have the accurate height to hurdle the balls over. Actually, the Finland Player failed to even prop up the cue with a piece of chalk as Rocky did, thus leaving less than a inch high to hurdle .Of course, the player should be commended for his attempts as he would have practiced hard to beat a world record, but he, in fact, failed to meet World Record expectations. A pool ball stands 2 inches and a bit high. To do it over pool balls puts an end to any dispute regarding the correct hurdle height, which Rocky has now done at even a much faster speed of 11.29 seconds and even shot them between two full champagne classes, before potting all of them. Is that total concentration or what? Remember there was no practice run or TV editing. Rocky got up, paused for a moment with his eyes closed and consulted what he calls his "inner self" , then opened his eyes, stepped forward and wiped those 15 balls from the table, in his very first attempt with out any practice run. No wonder they call him "Machine Gun Rock".
I was there with two independent judges and I had the stop watch, plus the TV company timed it too. 11.29 seconds it was and no doubt. This day, in the small community of Macau, has become known as World Record Day, with Taipa Bars giving out free first drinks that night. I asked Rocky about it later and he simply said:
Coach, I actually went to a place in time that no man has ever been. And maybe for a hundred years after I am gone no man will ever visit that place again. Just stop and imagine that Coach. Many have since done what Sir Edmund Hilliary did at Mt Everest, and perhaps many can do what Neil Armstrong did, but at 11 seconds through full champagne glasses and without missing first time up... Who will ever visit that place in time again Coach?
Anyway, its very simple actually. If anyone claims they have defeated the "living legend" (as one YouTube member called Rocky has), simply produce the the Guinness Certificate and that would put an end to the dispute.
Forum questions and answers about Rocky Lane:
Recent news on Rocky Lane:
- Title: Rocky Lane
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 8/30/2006 10:28:00 AM
- Last Updated: 10/26/2016 9:56:46 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Rocky Lane Comments
George Gladstone from New York, NY on 4/30/2009 9:14:26 AM
I am looking for a professional pool player or trick shot artist for an event in Boston, MA on May 11, 2009.
Please contact me with info on available cue sports professionals in the area.
BEGO from Los Angeles, CA on 9/1/2012 1:48:33 AM
I read some where that Rocky Lane was born in Suva, Fiji, not New Zealand, and that the picture of the trophies are taken just down the street at the trophy store.
Why is this listing posted in here? This site is for billiards, not a circus performer trick shot artist.
What this guy does is the opposite of billiards.
Leonard Kerr from Hong Kong, China on 4/27/2013 11:26:00 AM
My name is Mr. Leonard Kerr, and have been the Professional Tour Manager for Rocky Lane since 2006.
I have humbly and respectfully sent an email with some corrections. Hopefully you find the updates to be useful.
I would also like to note a reminder that we also have the current news clippings at Rocky Lane's website. One such example is the Rocky Lane Air Macau In-flight magazine article, etc. among many others.
Best Regards,
Len Kerrbilliardsforum from Halifax, NS on 10/26/2016 10:03:24 AM
Thanks Len. The Rocky Lane profile has been updated with the new details you have provided.
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