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Nine Ball Movie Trailer

Nine Ball Movie Trailer

First the Tony Palma Interview. Tony Palma is the director of the long awaited 9 ball movie from mainstreet productions. Here, he talks with NYC Grind about the movie, which he claims has a Rocky feel to it (from the rocky movies).

NYC Grind's Jerry T interviews Tony Palma, the creator, director, and producer of "9-Ball: The Movie" at the 2009 Super Billiards Expo. The upcoming film, which is set to feature superstar women's pro pool players Jennifer Barretta and Jeanette Lee, is about a young woman who aspires to be a pool champion, but has to overcome many obstacles to reach her goal

Nine Ball Movie Trailer

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Nine Ball Movie Trailer

  • Title: Nine Ball Movie Trailer
  • Author: (Jana Taylor)
  • Published: 10/26/2009 5:01:51 PM