Can a Person Quit One League Team and Join Another?
1/3/2019 4:50:34 PM
Can a Person Quit One League Team and Join Another?
Can a person who has played pool on one team quit the team and then join another team?
Can a Person Quit One League Team and Join Another?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/5/2019 9:20:41 AM
I do not believe there are any generic rules preventing players from switching teams within a pool league.
However, it is hard to research and provide a proper answer because but you don't really provide any of the details.
It would be helpful to know:
- Are the billiard "teams" you are referring to in the context of an officially-organized pool league?
- If so, what pool league are we talking about?
- What are the circumstances leading up to this happening?
- Any other detail which might be relevant.
I don't think anyone will put in the effort to figure this out for you until you provide some details surrounding the situation.
Generically though, it could fall under "unsportsmanlike conduct" if the reason for the move is ill-motivated.
Otherwise, you'll have to consult your specific pool league's code of conduct and league rules governing teams. Until we know what league we're talking about, it's hard to help in that regard.
Can a Person Quit One League Team and Join Another?
- Title: Can a Person Quit One League Team and Join Another?
- Author: user1546563034
- Published: 1/3/2019 4:50:34 PM
- Last Updated: 1/5/2019 9:14:17 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)