Want to Buy a Brunswick Trophy Cue
3/20/2022 1:32:41 PM
Want to Buy a Brunswick Trophy Cue
I used to play pool out of Dartmouth, NS many years ago with a gentleman named Ken Shea.
I have a John Parris cue which I acquired about 30 years ago, after I lost my Brunswick Trophy cue.
I would like to be able to buy another Brunswick Trophy cue and I am willing to pay the going price.
I do not need a case, just the cue, but if comes with a case I will take both.
Want to Buy a Brunswick Trophy Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/25/2022 4:21:45 AM
Good luck in the hunt for a Brunswick Trophy cue.
I don't have one to sell, but they come up on eBay and Facebook Marketplace quite often. You can create automated email alerts for specific things you are looking for. I recommend that. Also check some of the pool cue collector Facebook groups. There are many.
Also, just wanted to say hello to a former Nova Scotian! This website is based out of, and run from the suburbs outside of Halifax, NS.
I guess you would have played with Ken at either the Burnside Snooker Club or Maritime Billiards.
...and I believe this is the Ken Shea you are referring to:
Anyway, sorry I can't help with the pool cue search. Best of luck.
user1647807311 on 3/25/2022 7:58:24 AM
It is so good to hear back from you.
Yes sir, that is the gentleman who started me on playing snooker when I was 15 years old. Now I'm 70. I believe it was Maritime Billiards that I played out of.
I'm not a great player but can hold my own against most. I follow Ronnie O'Sullivan like a God. LOL. Him and Judd Trump.
I have a John Parris classic cue which was custom made for me. It was a Christmas gift from my friend in the UK. He had Mr. Parris make it for me, including the cue case.
Thank you for the info.
Baffler on 5/14/2023 7:12:34 AM
Contact "LuckyLobster", he has one for sale.
snooloon on 11/4/2023 4:59:47 PM
I have a Brunswick Trophy cue for sale.
It is stamped "16" but it actually weighs 18.2 oz. It has a curly maple shaft.
The logo is worn off partially, but a partial logo is still visible on the butt.
The cue hits really good.
Want to Buy a Brunswick Trophy Cue
- Title: Want to Buy a Brunswick Trophy Cue
- Author: user1647807311 (Earl Spencer)
- Published: 3/20/2022 1:32:41 PM
- Last Updated: 3/25/2022 4:02:30 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)