Meucci M-7, 95-2, or HOF-2 Pool Cue Wanted
8/26/2019 8:44:45 AM
Meucci M-7, 95-2, or HOF-2 Pool Cue Wanted
I am looking to buy a used 19oz Meucci M-7, 95-2, or HOF-2 pool cue.
Please holler at me if you see one for sale or if you have one for sale yourself.
I don't want a brand new one, and would prefer the Meucci M7 cue or the Meucci 95-12 cue.
But if the price is acceptable, I will consider a newer Meucci HOF-2 cue as well.
Meucci M-7, 95-2, or HOF-2 Pool Cue Wanted
Replies & Comments
tye brawn on 2/25/2020 6:43:08 PM
Are you still looking for a Meucci M7 cue? If so, I have a Meucci M-7 with a red dot shaft:
Meucci M-7, 95-2, or HOF-2 Pool Cue Wanted
- Title: Meucci M-7, 95-2, or HOF-2 Pool Cue Wanted
- Author: user1566783329
- Published: 8/26/2019 8:44:45 AM
- Last Updated: 9/18/2019 6:47:53 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)