Custom Playing Cue Wanted for $300-$400 in Lubbock, TX
9/14/2007 10:50:58 AM
Custom Playing Cue Wanted for $300-$400 in Lubbock, TX
A friend of a friend in Lubbock, TX is interested in buying a cue for $300-400. The cue is for a lady and she would like something that plays well, obviously, but also a cue that looks nice.
Preferably a custom cue, although I know there isn't a whole lot other than sneaky pete in that range.
She was looking at production cues and I figured maybe I could help her get more for her money. Please let me know what you got, and I can forward the info on to her.
Custom Playing Cue Wanted for $300-$400 in Lubbock, TX
Replies & Comments
jeffduke on 9/14/2007 3:36:52 PM
Hey Darrin, let her know she could have a PURPLEHEART "merry-widow" type cue for $400 + shipping.
I've used it only about 5-6 times, and it was made in 2007 by Bob Dzuricky. It even has a black leather wrap!
Alternatively, I got a BACOTE wood Sneaky Pete with ivory diamonds in the points for $300 + shipping. It even has a "Hoppe ring" if she likes those.I do, so I bought it with it.
Bishop on 9/15/2007 9:58:59 AM
I have a purple heart shaft BHQ Dufferin conversion cue. I'd take 175 for it and its a great player. Let me know if you're interested and I can email you additional pics. The pic does the cue no justice.
Custom Playing Cue Wanted for $300-$400 in Lubbock, TX
- Title: Custom Playing Cue Wanted for $300-$400 in Lubbock, TX
- Author: djkx1 (Darren Keehler)
- Published: 9/14/2007 10:50:58 AM