Predator Revo Shaft for Sale
4/16/2018 4:28:27 PM
Predator Revo Shaft for Sale
I am selling a Predator revo shaft 12.4mm.
It's a uni-loc shaft with a Kamui medium clear tip.
It's literally brand new, as soon as I bought it, I put the Kamui tip on and I just didn't like the feel.
I'm asking $670.00 with free shipping.
Predator Revo Shaft for Sale
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/16/2018 5:16:39 PM
Is the $670 price a typo?
Don't these sell for around $500 brand new?
user1523910506 on 4/16/2018 5:28:38 PM
No, there is a back order and they are selling anywhere from $550-$700. Also depending on the size (12.4mm/12.9mm), uni-loc or radial
billiardsforum on 4/16/2018 5:52:27 PM
Cool, I didn't know about supply issues. If you can get that kind of money, I say more power to you. Good luck!
user1598062952 on 8/21/2020 7:22:33 PM
I will trade my like-new 12.9 Predator Revo shaft for your 12.5 shaft.
Are you interested in swapping?
Predator Revo Shaft for Sale
- Title: Predator Revo Shaft for Sale
- Author: user1523910506
- Published: 4/16/2018 4:28:27 PM
- Last Updated: 4/16/2018 5:15:23 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)