Predator, Joss, and Ray Schuler Cues for Sale
8/29/2010 1:13:00 AM
Predator, Joss, and Ray Schuler Cues for Sale
I have 3 cues for sale 1 Predator 99-5 for sale 12.75 mm shaft weight 20.oz 58 inches long asking 500.00 +shipping 2 Ray schuler original 12 mm shaft weight 19 oz 57 inches long 250.00 + shipping 3 Joss 13 mm shaft weight 19 oz and 58 inches long 100 + shipping
Predator, Joss, and Ray Schuler Cues for Sale
Replies & Comments
sebi1972 on 9/23/2010 2:01:16 AM
Do you still have the ray schuler cue (the on in the midle/ the grey one) ? Can yo send me more pics and some details about the butt weight and shaft weight/diameter ?
How much aprox for sending the vue to Spain?
zelle on 10/9/2010 12:12:00 AM
Do you still have the Schuler pool cue for sale?
If so, can you contact me at the email or phone below? (714) 720-5790
greg.waltz on 12/7/2010 10:50:04 AM
Do you still have the 99-5 predator for sale?
Please email me back at my personal email:
Please get back to me on this right away!
If you do have this cue for sale still please include pics and price you are asking for and please also provide me with your contact information so i can contact you about it if you still have it.
Predator, Joss, and Ray Schuler Cues for Sale
- Title: Predator, Joss, and Ray Schuler Cues for Sale
- Author: forthmancrew (Marcus Forthman)
- Published: 8/29/2010 1:13:00 AM