Meucci Original 84-5 For Sale
9/16/2019 10:51:56 PM
Meucci Original 84-5 For Sale
Mint original Meucci Originals 84-5 cue for sale.
I bought it new in the mid 80's and used it 5/6 times and its been sitting in my closet since then.
It comes with a It's George soft case that I bought at the same time. If I remember correctly I think I paid around $3XX for the cue when it was new.
I have no idea what its worth now but it's condition is definitely a 9 out of 10.
Make me a reasonable offer. I've had it this long and it can go right back in the closet or maybe I'll start playing again.
I can ship UPS.
Meucci Original 84-5 For Sale
Replies & Comments
user1623441600 on 6/11/2021 8:00:00 PM
I'm wondering if you still have this Meucci 84-5 cue stick for sale.
I've got an owner of a business I work for looking for one of these cues.
If so, how much are you looking to get for the cue?
billiardsforum on 6/15/2021 4:44:51 AM
The Meucci Original 84-5 cue should be dead-easy to find. If this one isn't for sale any more, pop into one of the Meucci Facebook groups. I can almost guarantee someone will have one for sale there, or will know where to get one.
RonnieCadillac on 6/21/2021 6:30:56 AM
I still have the cue.
If you're interested, please text me.
(781) 924-9058Thanks!
Meucci Original 84-5 For Sale
- Title: Meucci Original 84-5 For Sale
- Author: RonnieCadillac (Ronald Cook)
- Published: 9/16/2019 10:51:56 PM
- Last Updated: 9/18/2019 4:43:16 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)