Meucci MO-9 Cue for Sale
2/9/2020 3:12:04 PM
Meucci MO-9 Cue for Sale
I have a rare Meucci Originals MO9 cue for sale, and will sell it for $6000.
Meucci MO-9 Cue for Sale
Replies & Comments
Mayo on 2/10/2020 1:19:33 AM
You should've taken the $4200 when/if it was offered to you. $4200 is out of this world for a Meucci MO-9, and asking $6000 is disrespectful in my opinion.
Best of luck buddy.
MeucciMO9 on 4/17/2020 9:56:21 PM
Not disrespectful at all, just smart ! SOLD
billiardsforum on 4/18/2020 5:12:24 AM
There are only a few Meucci MO-9 cues in the world.
I can see how those looking to complete this first ever Meucci Originals series would pay that kind of money.
Curious for future reference, did you get the full asking price of $6000 for it?
Mayo on 4/18/2020 10:14:31 AM
Congratulations on the sale!
Dave Edwards gave him $5000 for his Meucci MO-9 cue.
billiardsforum on 4/18/2020 10:17:02 AM
I figured it was either Dave E. or David W.
It's a rare bird. Congrats on the deal. It's a big one.
MeucciMO9 on 4/18/2020 7:58:12 PM
Thank you. I will leave it to the buyer to provide the details of the sale.
Meucci MO-9 Cue for Sale
- Title: Meucci MO-9 Cue for Sale
- Author: MeucciMO9 (Byron Dickie)
- Published: 2/9/2020 3:12:04 PM
- Last Updated: 2/9/2020 3:46:33 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)