Meucci Larry Hubbart LH-5 Pool Cue for Sale
12/27/2017 7:57:24 AM
Meucci Larry Hubbart LH-5 Pool Cue for Sale
I have the following Meucci Larry Hubbart LH-5 cue for sale:
Meucci Larry Hubbart LH-5 Pool Cue for Sale
Replies & Comments
mcmillendw on 8/26/2018 7:54:57 PM
Is your Meucci Originals Hubbart cue still for sale?
user1565037048 on 8/5/2019 1:30:49 PM
Is the Meucci Larry Hubbart LH-5 cue still available?
user1565037048 on 10/12/2019 9:35:16 AM
I am still looking to buy this Larry Hubbart Meucci LH-5 pool cue...
user1596599098 on 8/4/2020 8:44:59 PM
I'm open to selling mine. What is one willing to pay these days?
user1565037048 on 8/4/2020 8:55:37 PM
Thank you for your response.
Could you send some pictures of your LH5? I would like to see the condition of the cue first.
Thanks again,
Chaz(586) 944-7330
Meucci Larry Hubbart LH-5 Pool Cue for Sale
- Title: Meucci Larry Hubbart LH-5 Pool Cue for Sale
- Author: user1514379441 (Kathy Warr)
- Published: 12/27/2017 7:57:24 AM
- Last Updated: 12/29/2017 4:56:01 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)