Meucci Freshman 2 and Meucci Quantum 6 Cues for Sale
1/11/2020 12:21:44 PM
Meucci Freshman 2 and Meucci Quantum 6 Cues for Sale
I'm selling my Meucci Freshman 2 cue and Meucci Quantum 6 cue. Located in Greenwood, MS.
Find the auction on eBay. Photos below.
Two RARE Meucci Pool Cues - Freshman 2 and Quantum 06 with Cue Case!
Price: $1000 USD
Two RARE Meucci Pool Cues Freshman 2 and Quantum 06 + Case!. Condition is Used.
Here’s your chance to own TWO (2) very hard to find Meucci cues in one auction!
This auction will include an elusive Meucci Freshman 2 cue (FR-2) from the freshman series and a Quantum 06 from the quantum series.
As for the Freshman 2 - Do your research and realize how obscure this run of cues was! So much so that they were only run for a short time and then discontinued by Meucci. This means there could be only a couple to a couple hundred (?) ever in production. 20+ years after production and this means they are extremely HARD TO FIND. I have verified this from the Meucci factory when seeking to have a shaft built (which is the one included in this auction as I originally purchased this as a butt only cue and had to have the “no dot” shaft custom built by the Meucci factory )...they weren’t even sure how many the exact total was in the final production run of this model. This cue is in beautiful unrestored condition. I would rank it as 75% - 80% out of 100% considering slight use and wear over the decades. I’ve been collecting Meucci cues for over 30 years and have only seen 2 of these Freshman 2 cues in person, ever! And, the other one was in the workshop of one of the most reputable American cue builders alive (former builder for Meucci).
The second cue is a Quantum 06. You will find a little more information on these in your research as they were a little longer run of cues, but still limited in overall production. The Q06 was top of the line in this series. This cue I would rate 75% - 80% out of 100% due to slight use and wear over the decades and some slight age discoloration of the resin at the joint. I notice these things because I’ve studied Meucci cues for years, but your casual observer may rate the condition better. This cue series is also very hard to find, especially in this kind of original and unrestored good condition.
Both of these cues are in good shooting condition. I’ve used them both on occasion over the last 4-5 years and they get a lot of glances in the pool room especially from those who know pool from the 70’s - 90’s when Meucci was THE name in billiards and when they made some of the best cues on the planet. These are not perfect, and may have a slight dent or rub or imperfection here or there. I’ve tried to point these out with the red arrows in the pictures. The shafts, joints, ferrules, tips are used but not abused. They are “mostly” straight but you might see a slight shaft lift upon close inspection. Again, you must expect that in cues of this age and construction that there would be some minor imperfections. If your goal is to have these restored to 99.9% I can give you a name and number to have that done, but you are buying them as-is with the details noted above.
These are collectors dream cues and I hate to see them leave the family, but family needs change and I’d like to see these go to a good home that will cherish and share them with the generations of the future. To me they are functional works of art and when the opportunity presented itself over the years I had to have them for my collection. Now they can be yours.
FYI- Both “feel” like 18-19oz weighted cues but I’ve not weighed them.
Please ask questions before bidding on these. There will be no buyers remorse on these and therefore there will be no returns, but your shipment will be well packaged for care and insured to your door! They will be shipped in the 2 butt / 2 shaft case for absolute protection in transit. Check my reviews before bidding also... as you can bid with confidence!
These are not going to be bargain prices and I’ll retain a modest buy it now price based on their obscurity. Where there are no sales to review for a cost basis, I have no clue what a final auction would bring. However I must protect my investment with a conservative price that reflects my desire to make them available to a serious collector but not sell at a price I couldn’t live with. This is an opportunity to sell not a need to sell listing.
Thank you much for your interest and congrats if you are the winning buyer.
Meucci Freshman 2 and Meucci Quantum 6 Cues for Sale
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/11/2020 1:04:49 PM
Best of luck with the sale!
I'm really curious to see what they go for.
You might do better splitting them up into individual auctions. Break-up value is typically greater than the value you would get selling them as a set. Just something to think about based on what I've seen in the past.
BallBuster on 1/12/2020 4:51:45 PM
Do these Meucci cues play better than my McCue?
Coleman on 1/12/2020 6:54:57 PM
Probably not @BallBuster, but for those who are into collecting things from the past, aka Billiards history, they don’t worry as much about playability than nostalgia.
There’s nothing cooler to me than playing that 76 year old fella “Mr. Jerry” in the pool hall still shooting with a case full of vintage Meucci cues.
billiardsforum on 1/21/2020 10:43:59 AM
@Coleman - I agree 100%, except I don't consider your two cues "vintage" in any way.
The Meucci Freshman 2 is the most interesting, as very few were made as you know, but because they are newer Meucci cues (relatively speaking) they don't see the demand that the older "Meucci Originals" cues do.
For cues like your two, I tend to use the word "obscure" instead of "rare" or "vintage" (though both may apply). There is a subtle difference. In the case of cues, "obscure" usually translates to very low demand.
The big money comes from buyers when a cue is both "rare" and "sought-after" (but not obscure).
All that said, I would still love to have both if I had the funds available. I'll continue to watch your auction with interest.
Coleman on 1/21/2020 11:09:55 AM
Thanks @billiardsforum.
In the context of my use of the term "vintage", I see it as some of the best years of Meucci Cues (as opposed to the current production lines from them). That is my opinion, of course, as I believe that the first 30 or so years of their cues was of a higher quality and standard than more modern examples.
The Mr. Jerry to which I refer is a real dude and he indeed still shoots with what I consider to be some very fine Meucci "vintage" cues.
Happy shooting!
Coleman on 1/23/2020 7:15:58 PM
UPDATE - these cues are available separately on eBay.
- Meucci Freshman #2 - $550
- Meucci Quantum #6 - $370
Make your dreams come true.
One or the other or both!
Meucci Freshman 2 and Meucci Quantum 6 Cues for Sale
- Title: Meucci Freshman 2 and Meucci Quantum 6 Cues for Sale
- Author: Coleman (Coleman Grimmett)
- Published: 1/11/2020 12:21:44 PM
- Last Updated: 1/11/2020 12:48:05 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)