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Meucci 97-20 Pool Cue with Cocobolo For Sale $455

Meucci 97-20 Pool Cue with Cocobolo For Sale $455

For sale is a very rare Meucci 97-20 pool cue. The asking price is $455, plus shipping, and PayPal fees, in the USA.

This cue features a cocobolo joint, grey-stained birds-eye maple forearm, four ivory-colored points with a cocobolo triangle inlaid with a pearlized plastic design in each, ivory-colored butt sleeve with a ring of cocobolo triangles inlaid with pearlized plactic designs.

This cue is in VERY GOOD CONDITION, rolls dead straight, together and apart, weighs 19.0 oz, and the medium tip is nicely shaped at 12.85 mm.

I will include a nice 1/1 hard case. Shipping is $15.00 in the USA.

Meucci 97-20 Pool Cue with Cocobolo For Sale $455

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Meucci 97-20 Pool Cue with Cocobolo For Sale $455

  • Title: Meucci 97-20 Pool Cue with Cocobolo For Sale $455
  • Author: (Tony Kalisiak)
  • Published: 11/12/2010 1:53:48 PM