Meucci 85-4 Pool Cue For Sale Cheap
10/14/2009 6:58:39 PM
Meucci 85-4 Pool Cue For Sale Cheap
I came across a pool stick I have had for about 5 years and never used sitting collecting dust.
It is a Meucci 85-4. LMK and I can email some photos.
Meucci 85-4 Pool Cue For Sale Cheap
Replies & Comments
coastal_tony on 2/18/2010 6:17:06 PM
Pix, please to
johnerikberg on 7/1/2010 10:33:36 AM
Do you still have the cue? if so please send me some pictures at my mail:
survivor on 2/7/2011 6:48:25 AM
If cue is still for sale please email pics.Thanks
guest on 3/17/2011 3:01:00 PM
I would like to see pics of your Meucci Cue. Call me at 731-926-6760. Thanks
Meucci 85-4 Pool Cue For Sale Cheap
- Title: Meucci 85-4 Pool Cue For Sale Cheap
- Author: longworthb (Brandon Longworth)
- Published: 10/14/2009 6:58:39 PM