McDermott & Viking Cues for Sale
3/12/2012 11:48:15 PM
McDermott & Viking Cues for Sale
If anyone is interested in any of these, I'm willing to consider any reasonable offer. Here's a little history.
The Viking is a V2L From the Millennium 2 Catalog from 2000 (bought then for 400.) In great shape, barely used.
The Mcdermott has a Market Value of $855 and was produced from 1984 to 1990. Other than the butt on the picture, the wrap should probably be replaced soon, and everything else is perfect.
If you have any questions or an offer, feel free to email me at or just post below.
McDermott & Viking Cues for Sale
McDermott & Viking Cues for Sale
- Title: McDermott & Viking Cues for Sale
- Author: Drodby
- Published: 3/12/2012 11:48:15 PM