Mali M-14 Cue with Bill Schick Shaft
2/25/2019 11:25:56 PM
Mali M-14 Cue with Bill Schick Shaft
I'm a retiring semi-pro player selling off a one-of-a-kind cue.
I've been playing pool for over 50 years. I won over 65 tournaments. This cue is precious but I am giving up the game.
The shaft alone is worth over $300. It's the Rolls Royce of cue shafts - a Bill Schick. The butt is a Mali M-14 from 1999, the last Mali cue model ever built in the USA.
It's in beyond mint condition and you would swear it was never played with!
The cue has a firm price of $500, and you must pay for the shipping.
Contact me
- (347) 573-5820
Here is a photo of the Mali Bill Schick combo:
Mali M-14 Cue with Bill Schick Shaft
Mali M-14 Cue with Bill Schick Shaft
- Title: Mali M-14 Cue with Bill Schick Shaft
- Author: Textbook Bernie
- Published: 2/25/2019 11:25:56 PM
- Last Updated: 2/26/2019 3:47:58 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)