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Jacoby Pool Cues for Sale

Jacoby Pool Cues for Sale

My husband and I have two beautiful Jacoby cues that we're trying to sell. I had a baby last summer and we no longer go to the bars or play in a league. I would have to sell my cue for $450.00 including shipping. His Jacoby cue would go for $325 including the shipping. There is also an extra shaft and a case that holds both cues and the extra shaft. All the tips are Talismans.

Here are the specifics on the cues:

Jacoby Cue #1:

  • Jacoby 19.5 oz roughly 20oz w/lam
  • Birds eye maple butt and forearm grey stain
  • 13mm pro-taper shaft
  • talisman medium laminated tips
  • stainless collar over delrin joint
  • irish linen wrap
  • triple diamond ivory delrin inlays w/turquoise on butt

Jacoby Cue #2

  • Jacoby 17.5 oz roughly
  • figured birds eye maple butt and forearm
  • nickel silver rings at joints
  • 13mm pro-taper shaft/talisman med laminated tips
  • stainless collar over delrin joint
  • irish linen wrap

I also have these items for sale:

  • hard case that fits 3 butts and 6 shafts, shoulder strap and carry handle
  • weighted soft rubber 3 cue shelf rest
  • an extra shaft
  • "Perfect tip tool"

The two cues, case, rest and tool as a package $650.00 we would like to sell it as a package. If interested I will email you pictures.

Jeanette Lee has at least one Jacoby stick in her arsenal.

Jacoby Pool Cues for Sale

Replies & Comments

  1. mel89scooter7676 on 8/30/2009 7:37:54 AM

    if you are still interested in selling the cues send me a private message with the pics and your email i am new to the forum and they wont let me e mail you so you can send the pics. thanks , scott

  2. mel89guest on 3/7/2013 6:53:58 PM

    Are these still for sale?

  3. mel89guest on 3/11/2013 11:05:11 AM

    I dont know if those cues are but i have a Jacoby and a mcdermott jump/break for sale

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Jacoby Pool Cues for Sale

  • Title: Jacoby Pool Cues for Sale
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/20/2009 1:48:40 PM