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Frank Sinatra's Brunswick Willie Hoppe Snooker Cue for Sale

Frank Sinatra's Brunswick Willie Hoppe Snooker Cue for Sale

I have what I believe is Frank Sinatra's Brunswick Willie Hoppe snooker cue and it is for sale. Here is the story:

I bought a Brunswick Willie Hoppe pool cue in 1970 from a man in Medford Oregon. He had two cues, the Hoppe and another one with 4 red rubies embedded in the butt.

He said both cues were given to him by "Frankie" whom he had worked for for many years. This "Frankie" was the Frank Sanatra.

I didn't buy the ruby cue as he wanted a lot of money for it, but I did buy the Brunswick Willie Hoppe cue stick and have had it a long while.

It is a snooker cue I think because the shaft is very small.

If anyone is interested, let me know.

Frank Sinatra's Brunswick Willie Hoppe Snooker Cue for Sale

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Frank Sinatra's Brunswick Willie Hoppe Snooker Cue for Sale

  • Title: Frank Sinatra's Brunswick Willie Hoppe Snooker Cue for Sale
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/14/2009 9:38:35 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/16/2017 9:52:09 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)