Balabushka GB05 Cue for Sale
4/1/2019 10:53:40 AM
Balabushka GB05 Cue for Sale
I have a Balabushka GB05 cue for sale in EXCELLENT condition. This cue would make a nice addition to your cue collection.
The GB05 pool cue is one of the most sought after Balabushka cues. The condition is a 9/10.
Asking price is $650 OBO.
Willing to make a package deal if you want this Balabushka cue as well as the Meucci 97-27 for sale. Both cues are collectible.
Balabushka GB05 Cue for Sale
Replies & Comments
Philip Mcgreevy on 5/9/2019 2:07:46 AM
Balabushka cue has been sold
Balabushka GB05 Cue for Sale
- Title: Balabushka GB05 Cue for Sale
- Author: Philip Mcgreevy
- Published: 4/1/2019 10:53:40 AM
- Last Updated: 4/1/2019 6:45:58 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)