All Cues SOLD Except for the Paul Mottey Cue
3/16/2023 10:58:34 AM
All Cues SOLD Except for the Paul Mottey Cue
Since posts cannot be deleted or modified I figure I'd update so that nobody will have wasted any time emailing on my cues.
Fact is they are ALL GONE except for the Paul Mottey. Even ones I had not listed on here are gone all in one singular local pickup a couple weeks ago....
But I still have ONE left & it is also the most valuable but it doesn't do me any good stored in a closet. Maybe it's the price or that I was too critical on the ivory issues or that it's a local pickup only...
Trust me that unless you were CLOSELY studying the stick you would miss it. By notorious expert it is valued between $11,000 & $13,000. I have it on here for $8,000...
So AS OF NOW I am dropping it to $6,000 which is HALF of its value. You can ONLY GAIN in this transaction no matter where you have to come from...
Selling at $8,000 I was told I needed to be 'Punched in the Stomach' for selling it this cheap. Well now I guess I need one in the head as well...
Since all my others are gone rest assured at my level of trust. By local pickup you have the option of backing out but in this case only a demented person would...
Here is the Mottey cue for sale. Note that it was hard to get pics of the flawed area, and by expert opinion it is STILL worth $11,000 even with said flaw minimum.
Get it for $6,000 TODAY! or tomorrow...All I want is it gone.
All Cues SOLD Except for the Paul Mottey Cue
All Cues SOLD Except for the Paul Mottey Cue
- Title: All Cues SOLD Except for the Paul Mottey Cue
- Author: FourAndAft
- Published: 3/16/2023 10:58:34 AM
- Last Updated: 3/21/2023 4:53:56 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)