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17 oz Brunswick Trophy Snooker Cue for Sale in Victoria, BC

17 oz Brunswick Trophy Snooker Cue for Sale in Victoria, BC

I have a 17 oz Brunswick Trophy snooker cue for sale in Victoria, BC. It comes with the cue case pictured.

It belonged to my husband’s father and was purchased in Victoria, BC in the late 1960s. It was seldom used and only used in casual play.

The label is in excellent condition as is the case and cue.

Having read other pool cue value questions on this site, I know that price, of course, is determined by condition.

I am open to offers.






17 oz Brunswick Trophy Snooker Cue for Sale in Victoria, BC

Replies & Comments

  1. maureenuser1735102903 on 12/25/2024 12:01:44 AM


    I live in Victoria, BC and would be very interested in purchasing your Brunswick Trophy pool cue.

    I will be back in Victoria by January, 8th 2025.

    My phone number is (250) 477-1521.

    If you will wait until I get back, I will give you what you want for this cue, once I have seen it.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.


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17 oz Brunswick Trophy Snooker Cue for Sale in Victoria, BC

  • Title: 17 oz Brunswick Trophy Snooker Cue for Sale in Victoria, BC
  • Author: (Maureen Meadley)
  • Published: 12/9/2024 11:02:06 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/19/2025 2:47:22 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)