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Suggest a Pool Cue Tip Similar to Moori Medium

Suggest a Pool Cue Tip Similar to Moori Medium

I recently switched the brand of pool cue tip I use from a Triangle to a Moori medium tip.

I don't dislike the play of the Moori tip, but I don't care for having to constantly scuff it up.

Anyone like a similar tip that holds a scuff better so I can give it a whirl?

Suggest a Pool Cue Tip Similar to Moori Medium

Replies & Comments

  1. BishopBHQ on 3/21/2007 10:58:03 PM

    I've had good luck with medium Tiger Dynamite 5 layer tips.

    I've installed maybe 2 dozen or so, and only had one guy say he didn't like it.

  2. BishopGeorge on 3/22/2007 1:56:35 AM

    I like the Moori cue tips. What I do is take a tip pik and prick a bunch of holes in it before I shoot with it each night or what ever. I scuff my Moori like once every two weeks or so, and when I do I do it very lightly.

  3. Bishopdjkx1 on 3/22/2007 7:41:55 AM

    @George - I've heard that using a tip-pik might cause de-lamination problems with the cue tip, but if it works for you I guess maybe it is OK.

    @Bishop - For me I usually don't have problems with them glazing over, but occasionally will scuff lightly. If you just don't like the Moori tip, I would suggest trying the Dynamite like Brent said or the Sniper (although they may have a longer break in period).

    Talisman Medium cue tips work well for me as well, but I feel they are harder than the Moori mediums.

  4. BishopBishop on 3/22/2007 9:59:33 AM

    I'm going to give the Talisman a look I don't mind a little harder tip.

  5. Bishopdjkx1 on 3/22/2007 11:58:03 AM

    I have a couple I'd like to sell. Let me know if you want them.

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Suggest a Pool Cue Tip Similar to Moori Medium

  • Title: Suggest a Pool Cue Tip Similar to Moori Medium
  • Author: (Ryan Jones)
  • Published: 3/21/2007 2:25:00 PM