Phenolic Tips
7/22/2008 9:16:56 AM
Phenolic Tips
I purchased an Player B/J cuestick a while back and I have come to the conclusion that I am not happy with the tip. I like the stick, but the penolic tip is very hard and will not hold chalk very well. I want to change it, but it seems to be a one piece tip. Any suggestions on how to go about this? I'm going with a White Diamond penolic tip that seems to hold chalk much better. Or so I've read. The tip I now have is becoming a mental thing on a break shot.
Phenolic Tips
Replies & Comments
BHQ on 7/26/2008 9:21:37 AM
Chances are that if you don't like the phenolic, you may not like the white diamond. Although they do hold chalk a little better, they are still extremely hard and it sounds like glass breaking when you hit it.
You may want to try a hard leather tip like buffalo. Squeezing the buffalo in a vise first will make it just as the phenolic tips (almost i should say) without the awful sound and will definitely hold chalk better.
Do you have someone in your town to change tip?
Jazz on 7/26/2008 2:11:44 PM
I prefer White Diamond tip.
On my Fury j/b cue, I had the local cue maker shave down the single piece phenolic tip to a flat surface and then glue the white diamond tip on it.
Not something you can do at home without a lathe.
dkrager on 7/27/2008 12:11:03 PM
I did the conversion myself on my Fury J/B. First I ground the tip down flat on my bench grinder using the side part of the wheel. Then I finished it off perfectly flat using one of those cue top sanders, Then glued the tip, finally I matched the tip around the edges by using a fine cut file and then progressively working down to finer grits of sandpaper.
It’s a nice conversion. The White Diamond tip is not as prone to miscues so its a bit more confidence inspiring. The only down side is that they tend to pop off fairly easily so pay particular attention to surface prep during the gluing process.
Hope this helps.
Fenwick on 7/27/2008 3:11:52 PM
As I understand it, the BCA and the UPA rules requires a leather tip on all Cues. Am I misinformed? I have read where others have done the same thing you did but using a leather tip to make the Cue legal for competition. Nice job with the replacement.
quickshot on 7/27/2008 3:55:13 PM
Thanks for all the good info. I was planning on changing it myself taking the same approach as Dave. I'm something of a hands on type. I guess I'll have to make a choice between the White Diamond and the hard leather. Using the right type of glue is also a consideration to be made. I have some Tweetens 10 minute cement, but I'm not sure it will be good for a break cue. And then there is "gorilla glue"? Wonder how that would work?
Fenwick: Good question. I'll check it out.
BHQ on 7/27/2008 5:36:53 PM
Super glue gel is fine. My white diamond has been on my break cue for at least 3 years, maybe longer. With any tip, sand the back of it with some 100 grit. As long as your surfaces are clean and squared off, it will be just fine.
Personally, my theory is the thin ca glues, dry too quickly and do not absorb into each surface. I have not tried the gorilla glue, although there's many folks on AZB that swear by it, the WHITE gorilla glue that is.
quickshot on 7/27/2008 7:43:13 PM
Thanks for that bit of info. It makes my life a little simpler. I agree that some thin glues leave a lot to be desired. What kind of super glue gel will I get. Or are they all the same?
quickshot on 7/27/2008 7:45:21 PM
- Cue Sticks
Cue Sticks used at WPA competitions should comply with the following during play at table:
- Length of Cue: 40 inches (1.016 m) minimum. No maximum.
- Weight of Cue: No minimum / 25 oz. (708.75 gm) maximum.
- Width of Tip: No minimum. 14 mm maximum.
The cue tip may not be of a material that can scratch or damage the addressed ball. The cue tip on any stick must be composed of a piece of specially processed leather or other fibrous or pliable material that extends the natural line of the shaft end of the cue and contacts the cue ball when the shot is executed..
The ferrule of the cue stick, if of a metal material, may not be more than 1 inch (2.54 cm) in length.
BHQ on 7/28/2008 7:07:32 AM
Originally posted by quickshot
What kind of super glue gel will I get. Or are they all the same?I use LOCTITE GEL, lowes, home depot, even Kroger grocery stores carry it.
Originally posted by quickshot
The cue tip on any stick must be composed of a piece of specially processed leather or other fibrous or pliable materialHere's the catch - Specially processed leather or other fibrous or pliable material.
Who is to say that tips like white diamonds or other phenolic tips are NOT fibrous? If they were not fibrous, NOTHING, including glues, epoxies, etc. would stick to them.
Think about DELRIN. Nothing sticks to delrin. That's what delrin was invented for, for use in food processing industry.
quickshot on 7/28/2008 8:50:56 AM
Thanks for the loctite info. I'l pick up some at Home Depot.
BTW, BHQ, I also spent 30 yrs in the plumbing and heating business.
BHQ on 7/29/2008 3:02:22 PM
If you do get some loctite, keep it in refrigerator.
And regarding the plumbing profession - so you can't walk upright either? LOL. 30 years of construction broke me.
quickshot on 7/30/2008 8:59:54 PM
It seems to me that I read somewhere that someone had put a felt cushion between tip and shaft. Is that the norm or is that a special treatment for some shafts?
It seems to me I read a lot of things somewhere.....too bad I can't remember the wheres and hows.
BHQ on 7/31/2008 1:14:29 AM
Fiber tip pads are used to help protect an ivory ferrule. I use them on buckhorn also.
Honestly, in my own personal opinion, I think it's a waste of time. I masse and jump and do all kinds of crazy shit with my cues that have either ivory or buck ferrules and I have never had a problem with any of them. Not one had pads.
Phenolic Tips
- Title: Phenolic Tips
- Author: quickshot (Jim Walsh)
- Published: 7/22/2008 9:16:56 AM