Need a new tip
1/27/2009 8:16:51 PM
Need a new tip
My feral is cracked on my Muccie and I need a new tip any ways so I am trying to figure out what kind I want to get for when I get a new feral put on. What are some of the better tips to get?
Need a new tip
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 1/29/2009 8:17:11 AM
Look at the Billiard, Pool, and Snooker Tables link. Mitch Alsup posted some great information regarding tips.
patrickp123495 on 2/16/2009 2:21:55 AM
Don't get cheap tips. Go ahead and spend the money on layered tips. Layered tips dont mushroom. I reccomend Moori medium. They are not to hard and not to soft. WARNING:I can be wrong. Were all humans!
patrickp123495 on 2/16/2009 10:25:45 AM
Sorry for double posting.My reccomendation on ferrules is eiether titan or juma.You can gat both on Atlas.
snipershot on 2/16/2009 1:56:39 PM
milk dud tips are very good also. A lot of people like the sniper or everest better than the new Mooris. Ive heard a lot of people say the new mooris glaze over pretty quick. If you like a tip that hits like a medium, controls like a soft, then go for the Dudley tips in Meullers catalog. They are Elk Master tips soaked in milk, then pressed and dried. I use them and the mushroom a little bit at first, but then they hold their shape very very well, and best of all they are cheap!
quickshot on 2/16/2009 3:39:12 PM
Best tip I an give you is if your are not sure of how to do it, have it done by someone who knows how.
patrickp123495 on 2/16/2009 10:24:27 PM
how about kamui?
oysterxfast5 on 2/17/2009 1:11:34 PM
Thanks for all tips on tips. I will probably go out to the place in town sometime soon and see what all they have as far as tip selection and ferrules.
Need a new tip
- Title: Need a new tip
- Author: oysterxfast5 (Skylar Kelly)
- Published: 1/27/2009 8:16:51 PM