making my cue smooth
4/24/2010 4:03:10 PM
making my cue smooth
I bought a new pool cue a few weeks ago.
When I first slid it over my bridge hand it was really smooth, but now i keep losing games because there is a lot of friction building up with the varnish, or at least I think that is what it is. I have tried wiping it down and stuff but it does not help.
Would it be smoother if i removed the varnish to leave the bare wood? and what could i use to do this?
And also would i need to do anything else to protect it and keep it smooth etc?
making my cue smooth
Replies & Comments
quickshot on 4/24/2010 5:17:32 PM
G o here: Cleaning A Pool Cue Shaft
AdamG on 4/24/2010 5:20:46 PM
Thanks. Where can I get some of that cue smoother and burnisher from?
quickshot on 4/24/2010 5:34:54 PM
You can go to ,,, or any other billiard supply. Order a leather burnisher or a Q-wiz if you want. Either one will do. As for cleaning: go to your local super market and buy Mr. Clean magic Eraser. Follow the instructions for cleaning. Go to your auto supply and get a can of carbarnuba wax. After you clean the shaft give it a couple of coats of wax. There after you can keep it smooth using the burnisher you buy. I give my shafts a good cleaning about once a month or depending on how much use it gets.
In a pinch i will wipe the shaft down with a couple of folded dollar bills. If you play a lot it is a good idea to keep a soft clean cloth with you to wipe it down also. or, you can spend a lot of money on the stuff they sell on the web sites.
AdamG on 4/24/2010 5:39:13 PM
Thanks alot. I'll look into it
making my cue smooth
- Title: making my cue smooth
- Author: AdamG
- Published: 4/24/2010 4:03:10 PM